“She’s in love with you.” Y/n says, not meeting Sana’s eyes.

“And I’m in love with someone else.” Sana finally breaks the silence. “But she doesn’t want to be in a relationship with me, so I’m wondering if I’m just being lead on.”

Y/n takes a shaky breath, blinking against the burning of her eyes. “You’re not in love with me.”

Sana gives a chuckle, but it’s a bitter one. “Do you even realize how hurtful you’re being?”

“I—” Y/n just wants out. She wants to not have this conversation. It’s too much talking, too many raw feelings on the line. “Sana, I don’t know... I don’t know what you want to hear from me.”

“I want to hear that you want to be with me.” Sana answers without hesitating. “And I want you to tell me what’s going on. With you. With your family.”

Y/n looks up at her. “What if I can’t do that?”

Sana’s face falls even more and all Y/n wants to do is ignore this whole issue that seemingly arose from nowhere. She wants to stick a stupid sour apple lollipop into Sana’s mouth and hope it’ll fix everything.

She could fix everything with one single sentence. Be my girlfriend, Sana.

She wanted to speak that sentence out loud today. But somewhere along all those touches and kisses and the affection Sana’s been showering her with, Y/n seemed to have forgotten her place.

She belongs on the sidelines with her mouth shut, making sure she doesn’t cause trouble, making sure she stays clear of anyone’s attention.

Roseanne – as ironic as it is – was her wake-up call.

“Then maybe we should stop.”



They stare at each other, both unmoving, maybe even the world around them stops moving. It definitely seems like it.

“M-Maybe we should.”

She wants to say please don’t leave me but she stays silent.

And to make things even worse, Y/n’s answer brings tears to Sana’s eyes. “That’s it?”

Y/n can barely meet Sana’s eyes. “If that’s what you want.”

“That’s all you’re going to say?” Sana looks like Y/n just punched her in the face. “Is it that easy for you?”

“There’s no need to make this more dramatic than it is.” Y/n puts on a blank expression. “We both knew this wasn’t going to work out.”

“Dramatic.” Sana repeats, her features equally as blank as Y/n’s. “Do you even give a damn about my feelings? I’m in love with you. How can you be so fucking cold?”

Y/n flinches again, her shoulders drawing up defensively, arms wrapped around her torso like a lost kid.

“Stop being so cold, Y/n. She’s your sister. Hug her back.”

“What’s wrong with you? Why are you so damn cold? Say something when I’m talking to you! Don’t just stand there!”

The anger leaves Sana’s eyes once she sees the state Y/n is in. For a second, Y/n thinks Sana is going to reach out and hug her, but she doesn’t. Instead she opens her mouth, like she’s going to say something, and Y/n kind of wants to cry at Sana’s wet eyes.

But Sana does none of it. She curses under her breath, wipes her sleeve over her eyes.

She gives Y/n one last look, and then she walks past Y/n and leaves.

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