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The next day Katsuki was in his room trying to decide what to give Izuku. He raided his own closet to find something his Enigma would pleased with, but it seemed like NOTHING was right. After their little talk yesterday he and Izuku actually sparred and it helped him clear his head a bit. When he got back to his dorm Mina had called him because of course she was spying on them the whole time. Fucking creep. He ended up telling her about the agreement which she was way more excited about than Katsuki was. When he got back to his dorm that afternoon he checked his calendar and yeah he was right. His rut was due, but Izuku was also right because it should show up in about a week or a little more. Weird. That night he crawled into his nest after shutting off the lights and dreaded what was to come.

However, the next day he got up feeling pretty good and did is morning run then made his way through his daily routine which lead him to sifting through his closet again. He wanted to give Izuku his scented item this morning rather than later, but with it taking this long he might need to wait. His Enigma insisted on finding something absolutely PERFECT. So he sighed, stuffing his clothes back in their places and sliding the door shut. He grabbed his bag that was on his desk and headed out of his room since he was finished with everything. Just as he stepped out of his room he was confronted by Izuku who SHOULDN'T he on his floor. It wasn't allowed and they could get in trouble.

"Deku?" Katsuki said, seeing the laundry basket he was carrying with a smile

It had to have a least ten shirts in it. Maybe some other stuff too. It probably smelled like fucking heaven.

"Ah, good morning Kacchan! I brought you the stuff you wanted." Izuku said, holding the basket out to the other who had slowly put his bag down next his feet

"You're not s'pposed ta be here, Nerd." Katsuki replied, taking the laundry from him

Izuku rolled his eyes playfully.
"It's not like I'm going in your room. Being in the hallway is fine according to the rules." He argued with a small grin that held a little mischievousness

As Katsuki looked down at the basket, since he didn't have the patience to argue this early in the morning, the smell of the scented items wafted towards his strong nose. Oh higher power was it fucking good; mouthwatering. The potent smell of a prime unmated Omega would make anyone hard. Katsuki had to put the basket down when his Enigma was begging him to mate Izuku right then and there. That was WAY out of the realm of what was okay. Mating? They aren't even courting each other, they're just friends and Katsuki needs to get himself along with his knotheaded Enigma under control.

"Thanks o- Izuku." Katsuki corrected himself when his Enigma nearly spoke for him and cleared his throat

Fuck. Why the HELL is he struggling with this shit so much? He's never had this much trouble before.

Izuku blushed releasing his happy scent.
"No problem Kacchan." He said, hugging the taller

They hugged often, but not too often. More like when they needed to. Emotional support and all that. Katsuki liked it because he could get a good sniff of Izuku's comforting scent without feeling like he was being creepy. Though it made things hard when the smaller would press his button nose right to Katsuki scent gland. Izuku had always done that even when they were little and hadn't presented yet, but doing it now made a lot of confusing feelings flow through the blonde. Now he realizes it was because he likes Izuku. He's so fucked. Like ROYALLY. Royally fucked. Katsuki doesn't know why Izuku is even doing it when he can barely reach. He's standing in his tippy toes currently.

"I don't have anything for you yet, but I'll give ya somethin' this afternoon. I was busy this mornin'." Katsuki urged Izuku to move away a little before he LITERALLY pops a boner or makes things more awkward

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