The Frankel Footage

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You both make it to Morty's. You frown in confusion as Five enters the building as if it were his own place. He turns on the light and you jump in surprise seeing a man basically falling off the sofa asleep.

"That's Elliott, he's letting me stay with him." Five whispers as he pulls you closer. You nod slowly looking at the man.

"Let you stay or you forced your way?" You question in a whisper and Five grinned sheepishly and rubs the back of his neck in an awkward manor. You roll your eyes.

"Come on, we can take the bed." Five changes subject. He pulls you into a room and closes the door behind him. The room has a king sized bed and a wardrobe. You smiled softly feeling exhaustion hit you like a bus. A low sigh escapes your lips as you collapse on the bed.

"Today has been long." You groan into the covers as Five chuckles taking off his tie, blazer, shoes and socks.

"Yeah, well, at least we can rest now, hm?" He hums sitting on the other side of the bed and putting the covers over his body.

"Sharing the bed, are we?" You tease looking up with a raised eyebrow. Five's cheeks heat up and he rolls his eyes.

"You can have the floor if you really want." He snaps back and you quickly kick off your shoes and crawl under the covers making Five laugh.

"Nah, i'm good." You mumble already having your eyes closed.

"Thought so." Five teases as you hum

"Goodnight, Five." You murmur feeling sleep take over you. You felt something soft press against your cheek and a hand gently hold your arm.

"Goodnight, Y/n." Five whispers near your ear. His warm breath tingling your cheek making them go a red shade.


Your eyes flutter open and you turn to your side to see nobody. Frowning at the sight, you sit up rubbing your eyes and yawning. You stretch your arms, legs and back till you hear a satisfied click making you groan in satisfaction. You stand up with one last stretch and go to the wardrobe to steal Elliott's clothes. You find a orange button up and black boxers.

You shrug at your fashion choice not wanting to put Elliott's weird looking jeans on. You steal a pair of his socks and put your converse back on. Thankfully, you found a hairbrush and brush your hair leaving it down as you didn't have a hair bobble with you. You exit the room and stop hearing Five's voice.

"Elliott, did you develop these photos yourself?" You hear Five question

"Of course, can't exactly drop that stuff off at the neighbourhood Fotomat. Government has eyes everywhere." Elliott answers as you shuffle into the bedroom to find a spare toothbrush

"I didn't see a darkroom." Five mumbles holding coffee as Elliott eats his cereal and you brush your teeth

"Yeah, I converted the hallway closet." Elliott points out as you finish cleaning your teeth but remain to eavesdrop on the two boys.

"Can you develop this?" Five questions handing him the box that was in his blazer last night

"Hmm? Huh. 'Frankel Footage.' Friends of yours?" Elliott questions

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