White Violin

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Five blinks you both into the theatre where Vanya is having her concert. Your ears immediately filled up with the sounds of guns being fired. Your eyes widen...Five's blinked into a shooting range.

"What's with all the lallygagging?" Five questions

"Five, Y/n, get down!" Luther shouts and Five pushes you down along with him. Him being on top of you ducking behind some chairs as a bullet skimmed your cheek making blood gush out and a throbbing pain arrive.

"Shit." You murmur squirming out from under Five and crouching behind him.

"Five, Y/n, what the...I thought you both bailed on us!" Luther scowls

"We had an errand to run. This is not good." Five answers vaguely looking back at you to check if you're okay. You nod but he frowns seeing blood trickle down your jaw.

"You know these guys?" Diego questions looking back at Five

"Yeah, I do." Five answers again bluntly

"And?" Diego pushes annoyed at the vague answers

"Well...we're screwed." Five states looking around at the men firing at you all. Diego throws knives at the two entering and hitting them perfectly. Klaus runs in and jumps down the stairs.

"Guys, it's Cha-Cha! It's Cha-Cha, she—" Klaus shouts trying to warn everyone. You get up, jumping over chairs and landing on Klaus pulling him down to the floor as you both land on it with a thud making you groan and him grunt. Five blinks onto one of the masked men's back making him shoot randomly and hitting some of his team in the process.

You hear the violin playing and you mentally curse yourself for not taking notice of your surroundings more. You get off Klaus and slowly rise with a slight crouch seeing Vanya in a black suit holding a violin. Her skin pale and her eyes an unnatural bright blue. Sound waves coming off of her as her volume increases massively, she continues to play the violin.

You feel a sharp pain in your shoulder and you cry out in pain ducking behind the chairs again. Your hand shoots to your shoulder where the bullet hit. The bullet still in your shoulder and blood sprayed out of your shoulder going down your body making you uncomfortable in your own skin as you feel the crimson sticky liquid trickle down your cheek and shoulder.

"I really need to stop getting shot." You grunt out, throwing your head back and squeezing your eyes shut. You open them again and see Klaus with his knuckles blue as he slowly stands shakily. Your eyes widen seeing a blue man in all black, leather jacket, trousers, shoes. He must be Ben...

Ben stands in front of you scanning the area before unleashing the horror known as killer tentacles. Both Klaus and Ben yell as the tentacles grab and rip apart each of the masked men. Everyone stares in amazement. Diego runs off after spotting Cha-Cha arrive on stage. Once all of the men were killed Ben disappeared quickly. Klaus grinned.

"Now who's the lookout?" Klaus chuckles and you groan feeling pain in your shoulder. You slowly rise still holding your shoulder to look at Vanya. Her black suit turning white as well as her brown violin also turning white. The building starts to shake not being able to take this much power all at once.

Klaus grabs your hand pulling you to the group as everyone huddles into a circle. You standing in between Five and Klaus. Five glances at you seeing the blood thats seeping through your shirt. You put your hand on his shoulder to keep balance.

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