"No, it's fine. It's just a mild heachache" he lied. He normally would've created a scene out of jealousy but he knew he shouldn't. Every members had the right to be close to shua and he had to admit that. So, avoiding them was the best decision he came up with.

"You can not be sick hannie! I want to you to get well soon"

"I'll get better right away if I get your cuddles" Jeonghan said smiling at the younger softly. Shua engulfed him into a tight hug immediately after hearing his words and hid his face on the crook of his neck.

"Sleep well hannie" jisoo said softly, his breath fanning against jeonghan's skin. The warm sensation made him feel all mushy inside He pulled shua closer by his waist, feeling him melt under his embrace.

"You smell really good" he sniffed the delicate, sweet lavender smell lingering on shua's body.

"Joshuji" he spoke again in a raspy, almost inaudible voice. Joshua hummed allowing him to continue. He contemplated a bit and then added "Do you have someone you like?"

"Not yet! Why?" Shua said after thinking for a few seconds.

"Joshuji. I've never told anyone about it but..... I actually like someone" he smiled and shua could see that he was whipped for whoever it is.

"Who is it?"

"I will tell you when I'm ready.....I-It's actually a gu-guy"  he cleared his throat and nervously fidgeted with his fingers.

"Come on hannie, I'm not homophobic!"

"Really? I was afraid you'd hate me because of this" he said holding the younger's hands.

"I'd never! Now tell me who's it?" Shua asked looking away from the younger. Not that be was not happy for his friend but he just felt somewhat weird that he couldn't exactly figure out.

"I cannot tell you now but he's really pretty. He has this bright, big doe eyes, cute boopable nose and he looks really adorable when he smiles. He's really kind and caring and I feel the need to protect him from this cruel world everytime I see him, he's that innocent you know" he said blushing furiously. He really is a simp, isn't he?

Now that Joshua thinks about it, seungcheol for sure has big eyes and a cute gummy smile. He is really kind and caring as well. 'It must be him!' He thought.

"What happened shuji? I need more cuddles!" He whined as shua unwrapped Jeonghan's hands from his waist and left the bed.

"I'm sorry but I have to water my cactus" joshua replied before rushing out of the room.

"He doesn't even have one tho" he mumbled and went back to sleep.

On the other hand, Joshua was unsure of what to feel. He should be happy for his friend but him gushing about his crush with those soft eyes didn't sit right with shua. He brushed it off thinking he's just scared about losing his best friend once he is in a relationship.

"Shua hyung. Breakfast is ready" Seokmin tugged on his sweater gently, trying to wake him up. Shua was a light sleeper so he knew that'd do. He rubbed his eyes and sat down on the bed.

"Let me take a shower first. I'll be there in a minute" seokmin agreed and headed down to the kitchen.

"Where is he?" Jun asked.

"He's taking a shower. He said he'll be here soon."

"Jihoon, coups is searching for a workout partner. Why don't you help him?!" Jeonghan said winking at Scoups without the others noticing. "No It's fi-fine. You must be bu-" "Sure! I'll be your trainer throughout the week" jihoon cut Seungcheol off, agreeing to give him company.  Seungcheol muttered a shy 'thank you'.

"Why's your face so red coups?" Joshua sat down beside him startling him. He quickly hid his face by his hands and said "No it's not!"

"Yeah whatever" Joshua rolled his eyes, not noticing that a certain someone was staring at him with heart eyes. Well, of course it was jeonghan.  He hadn't even realised that he was wearing jeonghan's hoodie. Jeonghan loved wearing oversized hoodie and it looked even bigger on shua's body and oh boy, did he liked it!

"It's because he's really excited to hit the gym today!" Jeonghan said, while scoups pinched his arms.

"But you said you would stop working out for a while" joshua asked, confused since he knows that's not what coups originally had planned.

"Yeah but I felt like I should take care of myself as well. Jihoon and jeonghan will join me as well." Seungcheol draped his arms around Jeonghan's shoulder, smirking at him. Joshua just looked away and ate his food in silence.

( I'm kinda not sure if I should continue this story or not since it's my first story and I'm not really sure if anyone likes it. Anyways hope you enjoyed reading!  Love yall ♡)

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