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⚠️ ABUSE ⚠️
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Xen threw Y/N on the ground making Y/N hit her nose on the ground. Y/N hurried and got up and crawled over to the corner while holding her nose to stop the bleeding. Xen started to yell and scream at her saying how she could try and kill herself and try to leave him.

He grabbed her hair roughly then smashed her face into his knee breaking her nose even more. He continued to do it over and over until Y/N's face was all bloody.

He then threw Y/N on the ground and got on top of her wrapping his hands around her neck.

Staring in her eyes and seeing the tears brung a smile to his face.

Y/N tried to beg but everytime she open her mouth Xen would squeeze even harder than before.

Xen couldn't control himself he just wanted to kill Y/N right then and there. He was so angry for some reason, he didn't know if it was because Leo and Amair came to his house or it was because Y/N was trying to escape.

Three minutes passed and Y/N passed out.

Xen slowly removed his hands from her neck seeing the visible hand marks and stood up. He let out a shakey sigh before walking out of the room, locking it behind him.

Xen walked into the kitchen grabbing himself a drink before sitting down at the counter. Xen started to think if it would be a smart idea to just pack up and leave after he was just accused of doing something to Y/N and her family.

He shook his doubts away then finished drinking before walking back upstairs and started to pack all of his things.

While Xen was getting ready Y/N was laying on the ground opening her eyes slightly. She didn't want to die, she wasn't ready to go on, so she was surprised that her little plan worked.

She sat up before crawling over to her corner while holding her neck.

Y/N started to sob, memories of her and Xen started to flow back instantly after Xen left.

"I want to go home" Y/N sobbed quietly.

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Leo was laying down next to her girlfriend looking at the text that Amair just sent. He told her that he successfully got a warrant but they wouldn't be able to go back to Xen's house until next week.

Leo raised an eyebrow before texting back wondering why they had to go to his house to late.

Which in a instant Amair texted back, telling Leo that the police had to get everything ready just In case Xen had some weponds, if their was dead bodies or any other dangerous things.

Leo rolled her eyes before putting her phone down on the nightstand. She started to wonder why the police had to drag things out and why the just couldn't do their jobs immediately.

Disturbing thoughts started to race through Leo's head.

She started to think that if Xen actually did do something to Y/N and her family they could possibly be dead already or probably dying a slow death.

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