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It has almost been three hours since Leo started to talk about Tiana to the police men and she was still going.

"Tiana was that bully that just made fun of people she was just jealous of you know like she only made fun of Y/N because Y/N was dating a guy who's name is Xen King and Xen King was like the popular guy you know?" Leo says.

"They were like the perfect couple and it was so obvious to everyone in the school that Tiana was jealous of Y/N and you could tell she was by the way she reacted everytime she saw them together"

"She would say things like Gosh Y/N is such a slut or I can't believe that Xen got with Y/N like what's so special about her"

"Things like that like it was mad obvious and I think Xen knew too because everytime he and Y/N were together he would be smirking at Tiana or something"

"We're Xen and Tiana having some kind of secret relationship" The police men asked making Leo shake her head no and letting out a small laugh.

"Oh God no Xen was like that overprotective boyfriend and only wanted Y/N to himself, gosh I can't stand him he was mad annoying"

"Can you tell me more about Xen and Y/N's relationship" The police men asked.

"Yeah of course, Xen and Y/N's relationship were straight up abusive like I don't care what anyone says like literally Xen wouldn't let her talk, spend time, or even look at another man and he was hitting on her like you could see the bruises on her body"

"He would yell or scream at her when she didn't do what he said and he even yelled at me and Zack saying that we were trynna brain wash her or something like...you know how stupid that sounds"

The police man nods his head while writing down some note. He stands up and tells Leo that he would be right back and if she needed anything which she says no then watches him leave.

Once he left, memories started to flow into Leo's mind making her remember the day Xen confronted her and Zack.


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eo was sitting on the bench next to Zack licking her ice cream cone that he had gotten her. She and Zack were waiting for Y/N to meet up with them so they could go to the beach and hang out.

"Bro where is Y/N at damn I'm trynna go" Leo said rolling her eyes before licking her ice cream once again.

Zack sighed then looked around for the 1000th time.

"It's been at least two hours I don't think she is coming d-"

Zack was cut off by someone yelling hey at both Leo and him. He turned around to see Xen standing there with his arms across and giving Zack a harsh glare.

"Oh Xen what are you doing here? Is Y/N with you?" Zack asked calmly.

Xen rolled his eyes "Listen..the both of you" Xen says while pointing at Leo and Zack.

"I want the two of you to stay away from Y/N you hear me, the two of you are just bad influences on her and the two of you are taking a toll on her mental health" Xen said harshly making both Leo and Zack confused.

"The hell are you talking about" Leo asked before standing up.

"Don't act fucking stupid Leo, both of you are terrible friends and the two of you need to back off of Y/N" Xen says.

"Woah first of all Xen you're the one who is a bad influence on Y/N you're fucking toxic and second of all who are you to tell us that we can't hand out with Y/N" Zack says while getting closer to Xen.

Xen gets closer to Zack-

"I'm her boyfriend that's who" Xen tells Zack before walking away and getting in the car.

Before he drove off both Leo and Zack could see Y/N in the passenger seat staring at them with red eyes.

"I can't stand him" Leo said before walking to the trash can and throwing away her cone.

Zack stayed silent, he went to the bench then sat back down putting his hands on his head and letting out a loud sigh. Leo made her way over to Zack then sat down right next to him before putting her hand on his back trying to comfort him.

"The nigga is annoying I can't stand him, he doesn't even treat Y/N right then has the damn nerve to come over here and tell us to stay away from her the fuck" Zack said getting angry.

"I know Zack but just because he told us to do something doesn't mean we are gonna do it"

Zack looks at Leo from the corner of his eyes then let's out a little laugh before standing up and looking at Leo.

"Since Xen ruined our day you wanna just hangout out my house" Zack offered.

"That negro stay ruining stuff but yes I would love too now let's go" Leo happily says before standing up.

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Leo was cut from her daydreaming when the door closed to show that the police men was back. He sat back down in front of Leo telling her that they would have to run a investigation on Xen and Tiana and would need her help.

"Oh for real...you got me feeling like a detective" She says making the police men let out a chuckle.

"Since you know so much about these suspect's you're gonna help us, so tomorrow we need you to come down to the station by 10 so we can start okay" the police men said.

"Well okay but before I leave can I ask you a question, what's your name" Leo asked.

"Oh my name is Amari" He tells Leo with a smile on his face.

"Oh that's a cool name" Leo says making Amari blush slightly.

"Well since you already told us enough information you can leave"

Once Amari tells Leo this she immediately grabs her things and leaves.

"Hope that this invagination actually works" Leo thinks while getting in her car and driving off.

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