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Xen was laying in his bed looking at the picture of him and Y/N smiling together on the bed. He smiled to himself, how how he wanted her so badly, he wished that Y/N was laying in his bed right now sleeping on his chest.

But sadly that wasn't the case, everytime he would close his eyes and think of Y/N he couldn't help but think of that little girl. The thought of Y/N sleeping with another man made him physically want to vomit. Y/N was his and his only, he was going to hurt whoever put their disgusting hands on Y/N.

Xen sat up and walked over to the wall and stuck the picture on the wall with all the other pictures of Y/N. After he was done he walked out of his room to get ready for work. Xen hated his job, he hated talking to people, seeing people, and people in general.

But he knew that if he didn't work or even save up, Y/N wouldn't want to take him back and he wouldn't have enough money to care for him and Y/N.

After he was done getting ready he get in his car and drove himself to work. Once he got there and clocked in, he went to the front desk and waited to scan people's food.

A couple of hours go by and a man walks in on the phone talking. Xen usually didn't care for random people's convos but once he heard this man say Y/N's name he was hooked. He was wondering if this man was related to Y/N or was her new lover.

Or the man that got Y/N pregnant.

Xen tried his best to listen to the conversation but could only hear bits of it.

"Y/N I'm sorry but my boss wants me to stay hours to help him with some work" He said.

As the man got closer Xen could hear Y/N's voice on the other side of the phone complaining about how they were supposed to be spending time together.

The man put his items on the counter waiting for Xen to scan them. Xen started to scan them but very slowly so he could still listen in on the conversation.

"Y/N how about this, when you and Tuk get back from the park and you put her to sleep, I'll try to ask my boss if I can leave a little bit early so we can spend some time together" The man said laughing a little.

After Xen was done he asked the man if he was going to pay with card or cash.

"Card" The man put his card in waiting for the payment to go through.

Xen looked at the screen and saw that the man name was Zack Lem. Xen wasn't dumb, this man was definitely Y/N's new man, he couldn't believe that Y/N downgraded, Xen obviously knew that he was better.

After he was done, Zack left leaving Xen alone in the store.

Once Xen's work shift was done, he grabbed his things and went back home. Once he got home he immediately went to his computer and started to do some research on Zack Lem and to his luck he found a lot of information on the man.

The internet was a wonderful place to find someone's information.

Xen found out that Zack married Y/N and that he was actually the biological father to Tuk. Xen wanted to kill Zack and his dumb little daughter. He couldn't believe that another man got to touch Y/N before him.

"Y/N you little slut" Xen whispered to himself. He continued to dive deeper to find Y/N's social media, he already knew something's about Y/N but everytime he would try to contact her she would immediately get blocked.

He couldn't even go on her Instagram page since it was private.

Xen sighed and closed his computer he was going to do whatever it takes to get Y/N back, no matter what it is.


Mommy wanna play dress up" Tuk asked Y/N who was now laying in bed. Tuk noticed something was wrong with her mother after she had that talk with that stranger. After they played at the park the drive back home was quite Tul had a feeling that her mom was feeling sad.

"Sorry Tuk but I'm not feeling well right now" Y/N said.

"Well do you wanna watch TV together then" Tuk asked which made Y/N reply with a simple yes. Tuk went and laid down next to Y/N and waited for Y/N to find a movie.

Half was into the movie Y/N noticed that Tuk feel asleep. She smiled to herself and got out of the bed slowly, not to wake up Tuk.

Y/N grabbed her phone squinting slightly at the brightness. She checked her messages and saw that she had some from Zack, some from her parents and some from her friend Leo. She checked the messages from Zack and saw that his boss let him come home early and that he should be there in a few.

A smile grew on Y/N's face, she checked the messages from her parents and saw that they were just checking up on her and Tuk wondering if they were okay. Finally Y/N checked Leo's message and saw that she was asking if they could hand out.

After Y/N was done responding to all of them she made her way to the kitchen to make herself something to eat. While she was cooking she heard the front door unlock and saw Zack walking inside covered in rain.

"Hey baby" Zack said while closing and locking the door. Y/N walked over to him and helped him with his suitcase and jacket.

"Wow I didn't even know it was raining" She said chuckling to herself.

"Yeah it's raining hard that the only reason my boss let me come home, he didn't want me to hurt myself on the roads" he said.

Y/N and Zack walked into their bedroom so Zack could change and Y/N could take Tuk into her room.

After Zack was changed, Y/N went and grabbed his clothes to go wash them but was stopped by Zack when he said that he was going to do it. He told Y/N to lay down on the bed and that he would be back.

Once he came back he got on top of Y/N and started to give her kisses on her neck. Y/N smiled and wrapped her arms around his neck bitting her lip. After each kiss he gave he was saying how much he loved her and how he would give up anything to stay with her.

Zac brung the kisses lower to Y/N's chest making Y/N hold in some moans. He started to bring his hand to Y/N lower regions but was stopped when he heard the doorbell ring.

Both the adults sighed in disappointment and dissatisfaction.

"I got it" Y/N said before walking downstairs to yell at whoever was ringing at the doorbell this time of night. Y/N opened the door to see a package that had a little bit of rain on it.

"The hell" Y/N muttered before picking up the package and closing the door. She saw Zack walking towards her, she turned around and asked him if he ordered anything which he replied with a no.

"Should we open it" she asked which Zack said no. He grabbed the package and put it on the counter then grabbed Y/N's hand giving her a small smirk.

"Whatever it is can wait until the morning" He picked up Y/N and walked back to their bedroom and locked the door.

Not noticing that neither him or Y/N locked the front door.

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🇫‌🇴‌🇱‌🇱‌🇴‌🇼‌🇪‌🇩‌Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora