Falling in Love...

Start from the beginning

Just as you were about to shut your eyes and take a nap, the door sounded as it was pushed open, alerting you as you sat up rather quickly.

"Hello Y/N.", Anri greeted you with a warm smile, holding what looked like a bottle of water and a granola bar.

You sent her a smile back, somewhat relieved that it was just her, "Hey Anri..."

"I heard from the doctors that it was thankfully just a dislocation to the shoulder."Placing the bottle on the table next to the medical bed, she continued, "However, I don't think it was a smart move declining the sling they wanted to put on your arm."

Frowning, you looked away, "I don't need it, I'll just keep my arm still on my own accord, and that's that.", you looked back, meeting her soft gaze, "Besides, It'll look stupid on me."

"You're overreacting. It's not that bad.", she joked, causing you to let out a small, barely audible snicker.

There was a comfortable silence, as she neatly folded your shirt and placed it next to you.

"You should probably get dressed, you're going to catch a cold with how Ego has the air conditioning blasting."

Adjusting your twisted bra strap, you sent her a gracious smile, "I'm actually kind of warm right now, but I appreciate your caring."

Bringing up a hand to gently ruffle your hair, she hummed, "You remind me a lot of how I was at your age y/n."

"Is that a good thing or a bad thing?", you teased, earning a playful eye roll from the woman.

"In any sort, everything has been confirmed with Ego-San and me, so you're free to leave whenever."

Ah. You'd have to return to your team room eventually of course, but...you didn't really want to.

There was a small part of you that felt oddly ashamed. You didn't know what for, but still, the thought of going back to meet your team didn't settle well in your stomach.

"Um...actually...I'd rather stay here for a bit if you don't mind."

Anri quirked a brow, somewhat confused as to why you weren't at least a little happy you got to be released so quickly.

"Is everything alright?", she asked

Giving her a faux smile, you looked away softly, "Yeah, I just have a lot to think about..."

Not wanting to pry more than she should, she simply nodded, waving politely and wishing you a good evening before making her way out of the room, and back to the main office.

Laying back down, you blinked a few times, letting your thoughts once again consume your mind


"Isagiiii, do you know where I put my shampoo?", Bachira asked, looking around as he spoke.

The blue-eyed boy frowned, "You're always losing it Bachira, you should take better care of your stuff."

"That's what I have you around for though."

"Ha.Ha." Isagi rolled his eyes playfully, his voice dripping with sarcasm as the hot water cascaded down his body.

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