Suburb Shootout

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The Scene opens up with two officers at a house, and they have their Glock 22s out, and they kick down a door, and enter the house and see two criminals reaching for their M9s, but are killed, then it shows the two Cops, as it was a young Ryan and his partner, Jeffrey Thompson, they were sent to this house as this was a safehouse for a downtown criminal gang. When they kick it, they encounter two of them wielding IMI Uzis, so they kill them as well. And move to the basement, and his current rank was an officer before he was now a lieutenant.

Jeffrey: Ready for this rookie?

Ryan: Yes, Sir.

Jeffrey kicks down the door and yells at one to put his hands on his head. And they cuff him until when they go down, they find the rest of the criminals, and they get into a shootout. Ryan gets hit, and Jeffrey takes two of them out until he gets shot in the head. Ryan gets up and kills the other suspects, and then the rest come out and surrender, and one of them right beside him tries to stab him, so he tased him. And then the rest of the police mark the area with tracings of the dead criminals, and Jeffrey's corpse, with the bodies, put in body bags as the areas where the dead were, alongside the tracings of the dead had Evidence Markers on them. Later, the Bodycam footage on Ryan's bodycam is shown to Team RWBY, JNPR, CFVY, and the newest in the LAPD, Team BRNZ, alongside Summer, Winter, and Raven. Ryan is seen replaying the footage but at the scene where he and Jeff kicked down the door and went into the basement.

Ryan: *On footage* LAPD! DROP THE WEAPONS!

Jeffrey: *On footage* GET DOWN ON YOUR KNEES!


The gunshots were heard, and he fell with a shot catching him, but the vest protected him until it showed Jeffrey firing his Glock and getting shot in the head by a suspect with an AK-103 And he killed the one wielding the AK-103. And he reported this to the HQ.

Ryan: We have an officer down. It's Captain Thompson. He's gone.

It shows Thompson's head, and it is blurred as if he is dead.

Ryan: My old partner was killed, I was promoted to Sergeant, the same day when I met Team RWBY and JNPR.

Naomi: Hey R, I'm sorry about your old partner.

Ryan: I wanted to bring down the gang, and I stayed here.

Ruby: Jeff tried his best to get them but died. He's a hero, guys.

Everyone: We agree.

They are now seen going on patrol as Naomi is driving and behind the wheel of the GT350 Unmarked Interceptor. They are driving in downtown LA and are notified that a bombing had happened in a mall earlier just yesterday. They pull over a driver who was speeding. And find the driver and they give him a fine. They later go into a suburb and find a vehicle stopping.

Naomi: The car stopped. Should we get out?

Ryan: We should.

They get out, and two men are seen as they are speaking a foreign language.

Russian Mafia Member: [Damn cops, get rid of them Yuri.]

The Russian Mafia Member comes out and speaks a perfect impression of a South American Accent.

Mafia Member: *Southern accent* Hello officers, what can I help you with?

Ryan: Sir, your vehicle stopped.

Mafia Member: Yeah, we stopped because we wanted you to have this.

They find them grabbing AK47 Rifles, and they open fire with Ruby arriving. And her windshield is being put with bullet holes.

Ruby: Damn! Mom, let's get out of the car!

The SUV moved and stopped as it faced a nearby house to the left, and then two more vehicles, a black F-150 and a Mercedes CLS, put them into a trap. And then, after Naomi was still shooting, she caught an AK Burst. She was dragged to cover by Ryan, and then a Police Helicopter is seen in the sky. The pilots call for backup in the suburb, and then more LAPD Officers killed the gangsters and mafiosos, but the SUV in front had fled and then a SWAT Sniper Team is seen on a Helicopter and then a shot hits the windshield, as the driver got down, but the Sniper goes for the tire and the SUV flips out of control. With the rest of the officers arrived, and then the driver got out and grabbed a nearby Stechkin APS and shot at the officers and grabbed a pipe bomb and blew up a cruiser, and then a mad Ryan shoots his G22 at the ankle of the mafioso, but almost got killed until he got hit on the vest, but he did the power-point stance and killed the Member.

Two weeks later...

Naomi is on her medical bed and is resting. Ryan was in his casual clothing and approached by two of his old friends from his High School Soccer- I mean Football Team.

Tommy: Ryan, how's your day in the LAPD?

Ryan: Don't wanna talk about it.

Eric: Something wrong?

Tom: It's his wife, she got struck by an AK from what I heard.

Ryan: Yeah. The next time I see the bastards speaking Russian, they're headed to 40 Smith & Wesson Prison.

Tom and Eric: Give 'em hell, PD Lieutenant Meyer.

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