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The Defenders Base

POV : Nightwing

All the Defenders members (except Black Cat) are sitting at the round table.

"Thank you for coming everyone. The reason I invited all of you here today is to discuss improving our team" I said as I chaired the meeting.

Spider-Man quickly raised up his right hand, trying to get my attention.

"Yes Spidey" I gestured to him to talk which Spider-Man quickly replied "I voted to not include Black Cat into the Defenders. Have you ever heard of the superstition that if a black cat walks across the path in front of a person it is an omen of misfortune and death., she will bring us bad luck."

All of us smile at Spider-Man's reaction as Jessica chuckled replying "You are just afraid that she will hurt you again" as Colleen interjected "She has to meet all our requirements and approvals before she joins our team. Other than that, it will be great to have another female in the group" as Spider-Man started grumbling to himself.

"Okay as I was saying, our mission has shown that if we want to make a difference and to help protect peoples life we need to improve our abilities and equipment. There is a possibility we will face much strong opponents that we can't overcome next time, if we don't make any preparation" I explained as I slowly look at each of the members seriously.

Daredevil with a curious expression asked "What are you suggesting ?" as I got everyone's attention.

"Actually I got a few methods to improve our ability. First is that I could put servos in your suit so that your current physical abilities will be at peak athletic level. You will be able to improve your abilities by using weapons and equipment" I informed them.

I was quickly interrupted by Spider-Man "We don't have the financing, time or money to do that!".

"You don't have to worry about it since I will be doing everything for you with inputs from you all with what type of equipment you need. And I am planning to finance all of you, by giving you all salaries since being a hero is not free. What do you think of $50 thousand per month each?" I casually asked.

The others look back at me speechless.I asked "Not enough? How about $100 thousand per month each ? $200 ..." before I could finish my statement, I was interrupted by all of them shouting "Wait! Stop? What? How? Why?".

"Being a hero is not free, I have siphon $2 billion from Kingpin $40 billion total account to finance our Defenders Operation and improve our crime fighting equipment. Don't worry I am not using any of Kingpin's money since I am rich and that I finance myself to make all my own stuff. So how much do you need?" I replied.

Iron Fist calmly replied "Lets talk about money later since it is not an important issue" as everyone stared at Iron Fist in surprise due to his calm expression.

Colleen pointed her thumb at Iron Fist explaining to the others "He is rich and he doesn't know the value of money".

"Alright! Second would be the super serum (sample 42) that I have created and used, you will be around Spidey's physical ability. Don't worry there is no side effect" I continued my explanation.

Spider-Man cautiously asked "The serum won't turn us into monsters like Norman right?"

"No it won't! So do you guys need time to decide?" I asked as they all sat in asked "Why are you doing all this? It does not benefit you in any way?"

Looking at each of their faces, I finally replied "The world is a dangerous place. There are always monsters, villains and criminals that will endanger all the humans and our own life. One person is not able to protect so many people but united we can make a difference and overcome any obstacles. With all this, I want all of you to return back safely to your loved ones".

Daredevil walks towards me and stands in front of me in silence, after a few moments he finally says "I trust you. If it is able to help me to protect the people, I will take the serum".

"Thank you for your trust in me" I replied.

"I don't think I am ready for the serum yet. With Great Power, Comes Great Responsibility! Let me reconsider about taking the serum. But I think i might need help and advice from you to further improve my equipment and tech" Spider-Man said after thinking hard to himself.

Both Iron Fist and Colleen agreed not to take the serum as Ironfist calmly speaking like a monk "Both of us believe that we do not require the serum. We believe in keeping our body clean from chemicals and drugs. Thank you for the offer my friend. I believe that we will be taking the first option of updating our attire and weapons" as I nodded my head accepting their decision.

Jessica with a very serious face replied "I will take both serum and equipment. I don't want to be weak ever again. There was a villain that forced me to do bad things that still haunt me till this day. I will need all the help I can get. Maybe one day I will overcome my fear" as Luke slowly pet her back.

Slowly looking at me Luke "I will take the serum. The fight with The Bear shows that there is a possibility that i6 might need to fight strong opponents like that again one day. I can't always depend on my invulnerable skin".

"Alright thank you all of you!" I thank them for their understanding "I will discuss your equipment, costume and tools individually" with them nodding in agreement.

"Since we have come to an agreement let's end our meeting. Do any of you want to say anything?" I concluded.

Jessica with a smirk on her face say "I do! I vote Spider-Man will take the first shift in training Black Cat. Everyone who agrees please raise your hand!" with that all of us give an evil smile and raise our hand.

"Noooooo!" Spider-Man screams while grabbing Jessica's legs.

"Vote approve! Take care of yourself Spidey!" I ended the meeting as Spiderman started sulking in the corner of the room.


Queens, New York


Three armed men with machine guns ran out of the bank after breaking into the vault. After accidentally setting off the alarm they quickly ran from the scene with their loots as fast as they could. As they approached their get away vehicle, a beautiful woman in black jumped down from the roof and kicked one of the men smashing to the side of the car denting it as he fell on the pavement in pain.

As the second man aims his machine gun towards the woman, Spider-Man shouts toward the woman "Be careful!" as she jumped aside and punched the man out cold with a single punch to the warned "Be more careful of your surroundings".

"I know. I could have handled it without your help" Black Cat argued as she grabbed the last man with her claw and sent an electric current that stunned the man unconscious.

As the first man that is still injured on the ground saw Black Cat approaching him, he asked in a terrified voice "Who are you?".

"I am Black Cat" She replied as she punched his light out.

Marvel : Nightwing Where stories live. Discover now