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Eren had his ears open as he listened to the conversation his friends were leading. He himself wasn't much involved but it was nice to see his friends with smiles on their faces. 

As they were talking, the Commander and Captain approached the group. A girl stood behind them, her eyes lurking the corners with curiosity. 

Hange stepped aside to present the girl. With further explanation, Hange then began the introductions. 

"My name's Freya Ludwig," she said, a small smile lacing her lips as sweetness laced her tone. 

Eren's eyes were slightly scrunched. He wasn't sure if it was curiosity or confusion. All he knew was that his heart had a change of emotion. A sense of familiarity at the girl's sight. 

The way her auburn bangs perfectly framed her facial structure was almost nostalgic. And the obvious gold of her eyes was almost comforting

But he didn't know her. He didn't know who she was.

"Have we, met before?" Eren asked, almost surprising both himself and the girl. 

Eren watched as her eyes widened almost slightly. Maybe it went unnoticed by others but he saw it well. 

He could read the possible thoughts running through her mind. She must have thought he was crazy for asking such a question. But her denial was delivered so gently. 

"Right," he uttered. 

He could feel the disappointment within himself. 

But it was mostly directed at himself rather than the girl. He wondered if he had accidentally creeped her out with the question. He hoped not. 

Because he wanted to know more about her. Because he knew he's seen her before. He just couldn't remember where or how. 

He was wrecking his brain, seeking every crevice of his interior in search of her. 

He knew he'd seen her before. He knew but he just couldn't quite place it. 

Soon, the girl joined their conversation, spending the aging night with them. Eren prayed that she hadn't noticed his behavior. 

At first, it was an unconscious act on his behalf. But even after he realized that he was staring at her, he couldn't help it. 

It was hard for him to let go of her figure. He wished he could ask her something but he didn't know what to ask. He wanted to hear her voice as she talked to him to see if that would help him remember. 

But what could he say? 

"Go sleep, it's late," Captain Levi scolded the group, causing them to break apart. 

Eren and Armin walked side by side as they headed to their respective tents. Eren was quiet the entire way, his mind still hung up on the image of the familiar girl. 

He said goodbye to his best friend with a small smile and a wave. He then proceeded to enter his tent, changing out his clothes to something more comfortable. 

With hopes of getting some rest, he lay on his bed, his eyes fixed on the tent's color above him. Eren felt his heavy lids threatening to close. He allowed them to move as they pleased, hoping the slumber would stop what his mind tirelessly seeks. 

He could feel his vision darkening but again, his mind betrayed him. He had no idea how long he lay in bed, eyes wide open. Needing a distraction, Eren decided to take a stroll. 

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