in the days leading up (3 months ago)

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The day Simon Hopkins walked into the garage was an absolutely ordinary day. His appearing made Tuesday, January 7, 2020 my favorite day of the week. "Hi," I said, ignoring the slightly wiggle in my voice as I leaned forward over the front counter. That day, for some reason, the Gods must have smiled on Simon because he looked positively gorgeous, even with the 2 bags of groceries wrapped around each wrist. "What're you doing here? I thought you were working today. You still want me to bring over pizza?"

He raised the bags. "I was...running errands, and...I got your pizza."

"Not everyone can stomach Hawaiian pizza."

"Not everyone can stomach buying it."

In his bag, there were 2 frozen Hawaiian pizzas. "I love you."

He grimaced, glancing away, his ears slightly pink.



He drew in a breath. "Wanted to stop in, too, and see how you were."

"I'm fine. Better now."

"Still not shaken about the bushfires?"

I was, but it wasn't his problem. I'd already donated money to the Red Cross and Oxfam, but I felt like that wasn't enough. "A little, but nothing too serious." I smiled.

Simon scrutinized me for a while longer before glancing away.

"Something's up."


"You just...I don't know. Are you okay?"

His face grew redder. "Y-yeah. I'm just..." He couldn't meet my gaze.


"I'm trying something."

"It looks like you're trying to poop."

"It's anti-procrastination-constipation."

I laughed at that.

Simon only frowned more.


"God, don't make me say it, Micah."

I chuckled. "I won't. I don't know what you're going to say, but I know better." I tried to nudge his arm, but he was standing too far away. "Just tell me tonight, okay?"

"Absolutely not," he grunted.

I laced my fingers together on the countertop. "What can I do for you, Mr. Hopkins? I doubt you came in to get your vehicle serviced today."

"I was about to ask if that was a euphemism."

"It could be." I winked at him.

He grimaced.

"I'd come over to hug you, but we're not supposed to show any kind of bias while on shift, which is dumb considering how cute you are."

"That's okay. I'm just stopping in."

"Aw." I smiled. "So no vehicle servicing, no oils or lubricants needed – "

"Now you're just trying."

" – uunnnless you came to see me?"

"That's cheesy and you know it." He paused. "I – okay, yeah. I...did. Not everyone walks the 8 blocks from the grocery store to a garage to just 'stop in'. I just – " He looked at me and sighed. His shoulders relaxed. "Hi."

"Hi." I smiled, and my face hurt from smiling so much. "You made my day."

"I didn't do anything."

"You stopped in. That's – " God, I wanted to kiss him so badly. "Hi."

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