winter break starts and ends

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"I'm worried about Oscar," I said one day. I rolled over on Simon's bed, the sun making his side of the mattress too warm, and the whole apartment smelled like him. "He hasn't been replying to my messages."

"College is hard," Simon said, sitting back at his kitchen table. His laptop was opened, papers and pens decorating the entire tabletop space. "And time-consuming. I think you forget that. You've watched Pitch Perfect too many times."

"But that's never stopped us from talking. All of us talked pretty much all through the SATs and ACTs. When we finished, I threw, like, a 'Congratulations For Surviving' party."

"Very you."

"But Oscar's always been around. He's the...sarcastically witty one." I looked back at my phone. "I just hope he's okay. Should I call him?"

"Micah, let him be. Again, probably just busy with college."

I grumbled. "I should call him."

Simon's already standing, moving too fast for me to hide my phone. He launched himself, falling on my legs and taking my phone. "Micah, no."

"Give it back," I giggled.

"Just let him be. I'll meet him when I meet him."

I didn't know why, but the sentiment twisted my heart a little. I cupped his face in my hands and kissed him.

"What'd I do?"

"I love you."

"I didn't do anything."

"So? I can still love you."

He shuffled up and kissed me. "You're the worst distraction, I hope you know that."

"I do."

"The worst." He kissed me slowly. "You really have to stop." He kissed me again.

"At this point, I'm not even doing anything."

Simon hummed. "I don't know about that. You're still distracting me." He stood and retreated back to the kitchen table.

"I'm just worried."

"I know." He took in a breath. "Micah, you learn if people want to be left alone, they'll find ways. Some obvious, some not so. Or, maybe Oscar's just busy."

"He's never been busy, though. I just – I don't like the idea of him, like, going off on his own. That came out wrong. I don' doesn't make me feel good that..." I grunted and wiped my eyes. "God, it makes sense in my head, but I can't – it's just hard – "

"Micah, you miss him. I get it."

"Well, yeah. He's my friend." I hummed and itched for my phone. "Anything?"

Simon looked at it and shook his head. Sighing, he stood from the table and walked back to me, offering my phone. "If you're this worked up over it, then call him."

I took it back. Watching Simon go back to the table felt like an ocean had been put between us for some reason. I still couldn't shake the dread in my gut, and I called Oscar, though the phone just rang and rang and rang before the line disconnected.

"...he's probably just busy."

"...yeah." I flap my phone in my hands. "I, just, miss them all. I knew I'd miss them, but...the reality of it stinks. I wish you could've met them when they were all here."

"I'll meet them when they come back for winter break."

I gasped and stood. "Oh my God! I forgot about that! We – we need to plan! How do you feel about smashed burgers? Fried pickles? Chicken and waffles?"

Cabin Fever (BXB)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu