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"You must've come from a long way away huh... What were you looking for me for?" Ash asked with a puzzle expression, one Pikachu shared.

"I can explain on the way to the next town. I'll walk with you." He replied, thankful to not have to continue a wild Swana chase.

"Alright, that's fine with us." Ash said continuing on. "Pika!" Pikachu said with agreement as they continued their race running off on ahead.

"I said walk not run!" The man yelled out as they sprinted off, letting out a sigh as he carried on.

The two continued onwards to the next city over, the man eventually catching up to the energetic duo. "You see, I was asked by Doctor Roberts to ask you for assistance. I'm uh... His intern? I don't really have a title, but I help out him and his assistant." The young man explained to Ash. He wore worn jeans, that looked as if they had sen better days, along with a black tee that seemed just as beaten up. He had glasses upon his face, covering his gray eyes, along with messy dark hair. For someone on official business, appearance was seemingly not one of his priorities. Luckily for him, Ash did not care all that much.

"What does the Doctor want my help with though?" Ash asked curiously what he would be sought out for.

"Well, the doctor saw the Masters Eight. Your ability to use different abilities with your Pokemon really peaked his interest. Learning you are the Alolan champion and now World champion as well, he was certain you'd be perfect." The man further explained, still leaving Ash and Pikachu very confused.

"Pika?" "I'm confused about how the two connect." Ash asked, still lost on the idea.

"The doctor is researching possible medical properties within mega energy. It's able to give Pokemon superior strength, he hopes perhaps it could have similar uses for humans needing the help. Like a steroid of shorts." He began to explain, "Seeing you take on Dynamaxing and Z-Moves as well, he wondered if there's any opportunities he could be missing with those as well. Essentially Ketchum, he simply wants to observe and learn from you. You could help save a lot of people if this leads to medical breakthroughs like he hopes."

Ash stayed silent for a moment. "He really thinks it's possible to unlock the potential to do a lot of good with my help? Wouldn't the Tower of Mastery make more sense for research help?" Ash asked, he was always up for a battle, but was he truly the most helpful in this case.

"Honestly, that was my question too. Ten year old boy? That's who he thinks can help achieve a breakthrough? But yes, He really does think you're the best chance the world has of unlocking these medical secrets." The man said simply, still looking ahead on the path. "The Tower of Mastery ignoring his requests I'm sure has nothing to do with it..." He grumbled quietly to himself.

"...Hey, what's your name anyway?" Ash asked him, not catching it before.

"Huh, oh, right. My name is Will." He said casually.

"It's good to meet you Will." He said with a smile. "Pika!"

"Likewise Ketchum. If you don't mind me asking, where were you heading anyway?" Will asked, his curiosity nagging him.

"Oh! We were heading to the airport to set off on a new adventure." Ash explained with excitement.

"Ah, a champion never stays idle huh? Where to?" He asked, making conversation.

~̵͍̺̋̔~̴̰̞͒ Another Story ~̵͍̺̋̔~̴̰̞͒ - A Pokemon FanficΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα