𝗖𝗵: 23| 𝗧𝗥𝗛

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⋆ ˚。⋆୨ The One I Love ୧⋆ ˚。⋆

All the Royal members and The guests were now in the ball room, gathered together. It was time for the discussion.

"My dear people, please Enjoy the food and show while you're here." The King announced as the curtains from the stages dropped down revealing a group of Musicians playing soft romantic music.

For normal people, it was a Ball party, while for the Royals it was an important meeting.

All the people cheered in happiness, and started dancing with their partners. The Atmosphere was so lively and happy. It made the King happy too.

But he would think about that later, right now more important things await him. He took a last glance at the happy crowd and walked towards the Table where all of the Royal's were sitting.
He took a seat beside his son Soobin, who bowed in response along with the other youngers present there.

"Shall we start the discussion now?" The king asked looking at the Queen of Ketrioke and the Wizard King.

"Yeah let's start the talk Your Highness." The King of Crosmere replied, while the others nodded along.

"We've got the information that the Warewolves are already attacking the forest in our reign and soon they will start attacking Slivenna first, then proceed to our neighbouring Kingdom Crosmere and your kingdom Prince Sunghoon." Soobin spoke, telling them about the things which Yeonjun told him back in the forest.

Talking about Yeonjun, he met him yesterday and they talked for a while, Yeonjun promised to tell him if anything happens in the forest or if he gets to know anything about the war.

"They're faster than I thought. We have to get ready for the war, the Witches and Wizards are quiet strong plus they are black magic users so it's going to be difficult to defeat them. And Warewolves are twice as stronger than humans."  The wizard King said looking at the others with a frown on his face.

"We can deal with Warewolves easily if we defeat their Alpha. When we defeat their Alpha, they will surrender easily and we have to catch their Luna too. Having the Luna will benefit us alot." Beomgyu suddenly spoke, surprising the others.

"Prince Beomgyu how do you know this?"  The Queen of Ketrioke asked, astonished by Beomgyu's knowledge. They didn't had much knowledge about the Warewolves, and hearing about such a useful thing from Beomgyu shocked them all.

"It's nothing special, I just like to research about things which could help our kingdom in future. Warewolves are our enemies since forever so I'm gathering information about them from a long time." Beomgyu replied with a smile and looked at his father who had a proud smile on his face.

"That's great, we have higher chances of defeating the Warewolves now. I bet the Alpha must be strong but I believe we can kill him. Talking about the Witches and their black magic, our Prince and Us will deal with it."  The Queen said looking at her son Sunghoon who nodded in agreement.

"Prince Sunghoon is one of the most powerful Wizards in existence, he can control three elements at once. Water, Earth and Air. I'm an Air element Wizard and my Queen is a Water Element Witch. He got both of it from us and he has Earth element as his own." The King explained which made the others gasp in surprise. Controlling three elements at once wasn't easy at all. It was like a miracle. No one has ever been able to control all three elements at once in their Kingdom's history yet.

"That's great Prince Sunghoon. I hope we can count on you and your family."  The King of Slivenna said with a smile.

"Rest assured your highness. I'll do whatever I can to stop them." Sunghoon said smiling back.

"We also have the group of best Warriors here to fight with the Warewolves. Prince Soobin, Beomgyu, Heesung and Princess Jisu." The Queen of Slivenna said looking at her sons and the others.

"Yeah, I've heared alot about Prince Soobin's skills." The wizard King said looking at Soobin.

"Thankyou your Highness, Me and Beomgyu will do our best." Soobin said assuring them.

The talk was going fine for now. They had figured out about how to fight and defend. Now the only problem left was, their enemies had an unexpected time. No one knew when they could attack. They could be planning to attack tomorrow too. No one knows.

The table was filled with silence when the King decided to speak up again.
"Okay now that we're done with the discussion, why don't we enjoy ourselves? Let's join the ball dance party with our people." 

"That's a great idea! Sure Your Highness." The Queen happily said, wrapping her arms around the king.

Soobin chuckled looking at his parents. They are still so in love and his mother doesn't even tried to hide it. Maybe that's why he believes in true love.
Thinking about love, only one person flashes in his mind. Yeonjun.  He doesn't knows when it happened, but he finds himself longing for the other. He feels calm and peaceful whenever he's with the other and he smiles whenever he thinks about him.

His mother once told him, that when you Love someone, your heart will tell you, you do. Feeling of love is different for everyone. It might be like flying in the sky or having butterflies roam all around your stomach or Fireworks exploding or maybe Feeling like the person is your home.

For Soobin, Yeonjun was his anchor, a cold splash of water washing over him on a scorching day, a cool breeze in hot summer. If there was one word Soobin could describe Yeonjun with, it would be "Calmness".

Soobin won't deny anymore, he knows Yeonjun is the one for him. He's the one he loves. He's sure, and there's no dilemma about this fact.

Yeonjun is the one he loves. 

─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───

Hello Luvs! I'm back after a long time lol. Sorry for the late update, Wattpad was being shit to me T-T

Also this was one long chapter phew. Hope y'all like this chapter!
Enjoy reading Luvs! Byeee💙

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