• Tribute Parade •

Start from the beginning


As soon as we arrive at the capital, the prep team takes us away to get us all cleaned. I kiss Cyrus' forehead before parting with him, promising to see him later. He nods and scurries off after his group as I follow mine.

They introduce themselves as Diamond, Imarnia, and Estaphine. I smile, and although they already know my name, introduce myself as well.

They wax the hair on my body, do my eyebrows, clean and file my nails, and use capital technology to get rid of the callouses on my hands from handling cattle and the whip marks on my legs, back, and arms from my father. I take a hot shower, something that was a rare privilege in 10, and then they do my makeup. It's basic, or at least- basic for what I've seen as normal in the capital. They brush my hair, leaving it to lay down naturally before my stylist enters.

I'm a bit taken aback, because while my prep team had been loud and really friendly, having brightly colored hair and skin, tattoos all over, my stylist doesn't seem all that loud, or ridiculously brightly colored.

Her hair is a deep blue color, one that matches the color of her eyeshadow, but the rest of her is shockingly normal. She wears a dark blue-grey dress that is simple and stops above her knee, although she has socks that go almost up to where it stops and black buckled flats.

Her hair is in the same style that Callistos was in during the reaping, and it makes me long for home. Braided back in a crown around her hair, the rest flowing down her shoulders, and it's about chest length. She doesn't look to be any older than 23, although she looks like she could be as young as 18. She smiles a soft smile, and I'm once again reminded of my sister. I return the smile, although I'm completely naked and feel a bit awkward.

"My name's Prisma, I'm your stylist. Let's get you in a robe so we can start talking about the design for the tribute parade." She says, and her voice is sweet and melodic. Her name seems so much more simpler than the intricate capital names of my prep team Diamond, Imarnia, and Estaphine.I take an immediate liking to her.

"Alright." I respond nervously as she helps me into a warm, soft, fluffy robe that's a light green color.

"District 10 is the district of livestock, correct?" She asks me as we sit on a small couch in the room. Her legs cross at the ankles. I nod.

"Livestock of all sorts, although I've been raised with mainly cattle and goats for most of my life." I responded shyly, although I'm not sure where it comes from. I've never been very shy around anyone.

"That fits rather well with the outfit I've designed for you." She says, a bright smile crossing her face as she pulls out a sketchbook from a bag she had been carrying and flips it open before handing me it.

It's rather well drawn, and I can imagine it will look absolutely stunning.

A dress, plain white at the top with sleeves that are skin tight at the top and open wide at the ends of them, by the hands. The skirt goes just below the knee and is the same white, except with black splotches resembling a cows. There's a rope of some sort around the waist, like a twine version of a lasso, it seems. The same twine look wraps the dress at the elbows of the sleeves. The look is complete with cowboy boots and what seems like a headband with small horns.

I stare at it in amazement and can clearly picture how it'll look when it's made. I turn back to Prisma with a smile on my face.

"It's gorgeous, you're really talented." I say, and she laughs lightly.

"If I wasn't, I don't think I would have gotten this job. I've been here for 3 years now, since I was 16." She responds. I nod, laughing too.

"16? Does that mean your only 19? Never mind that- I understand. I just mean that it's so clear to see the thought and idea in this. It'll look amazing when it's made." She's the one who nods this time, and then smiles a knowing smile.

"It's already made, all we need to do is make a few adjustments to the sizing and measurements, Capella. Capella…. can I call you Ella?" She asks, and the question throws me off slightly. It has always been Capella, or little goat, or Star. Ella. Ella was new.

"Of course, whatever you want Prisma." I say in response, a genuinely happy smile on my face. It was strange to feel this happy, especially when I knew what was coming.


I was right when I said I knew it would look good in person. It did. And it looked suprisingly good on me, even though I was worried that the white would wash me out.

The prep team adjusted my make up and pulled my hair back into pigtails by the horns. I smiled.

"I love it. Thank you, Prisma. All of you." I said, giggling slightly as I twirled and watched the white and black blur slightly on the dress.

We made our way to the area where we would enter the tribute parade. Chariots drawn by horses where each district show off their tributes to the capital and we try to get sponsors.

The tributes are all standing close by to their districts chariot, not socializing much but rather observing the others. It's smart, figure out who seems like the could be a good ally from afar before you interact.

I lead Cyrus to district 10. He's in a white shirt that has cow print like the bottom of my dress. Over that is jean overalls that has a similar belt to mine. His twine belt laces through the belt loops of his overalls and he doesn't have any twine on his arms. He has a horn headband as well, barely sticking out of his curly hair even though his horns are large than mine, more so resembling a bull. His cowboy boots match mine.

He looks up at me and my heart pains at the fearful look in his eyes.

"Capella, I'm scared." He whispers, sticking close to my side. I crouch down slightly, holding his hands in mine as I face him.

"You have nothing to be scared for, sunshine. I'm gonna do everything I can to protect you here and get you back to Cal. You hear me? Everything. You just worry about looking as cute as a button to get yourself some sponsors, and hopefully a few allies, alright Cy?"

He nods, his movement small. Then we get into the chariot and he holds onto one of my fingers like a toddler would usually, his wide eyes that were usually so happy and full of joy now rather dull with fear. I kiss the top of his head as the first few chariots are moving, turning to face forward and waiting for our chariot to move.

When we finally do, were smiling and waving to the audience, who's cheering loudly for us. Cyrus has a sweet smile on his face and seems like a natural at this.

It's not until we near the end that he looks away from the crowd, and away from me, towards the bottom of the chariot. I hear him mumbling something, barely audible. At first I don't think I could hear it, but then it registers in my brain what he said.

"The sun, the moon, the stars. Always."

(Word count: 2069)

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