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A soft knocking at the bedroom door awakens Pope from his light slumber, along with the hushed tone of his mother whispering out his name. "Come in," he calls out as quietly as possible, flicking his tired gaze down at JJ's sleeping figure, back curled against his chest just as it was when they fell asleep in the early hours of the morning.

It doesn't come as a surprise, the idea of JJ staying perfectly still as he slept. He had done the exact same thing when Pope stayed over that night after their day at the beach, almost as though he was fearful that he would cause Pope to wake up and not allow him to fall back asleep. In that moment of time, Pope had found it sweet, considerate even, but right here, right now, after opening the front door and finding JJ close to passing out, Pope knew that there was a hidden meaning to JJ's behavior.

"Hi, baby." Pope's mother greets him, slipping into the room with a small smile on her lips. "Sorry if I woke you up, but your aunt is here to take a look at JJ's injuries."

"Oh, okay.. I'll wake him up." Mumbles Pope. He muffles a yawn behind his hand, squeezing his eyes shut tight in hopes of it aiding him in waking up. "We'll be down soon."

Shaking her head, Pope's mother places a hand out for him to stop. "No rush, baby. Take your time, she's happy to wait."

Pope's mother disappears behind the door as fast as she had appeared, closing it shut and the distant patter of her footsteps being the only thing to be heard. Something awakens inside of JJ then. Pope first notices when his body begins trembling, closing in on himself to the point he was curled up in a tight ball. Then, when JJ's head begins thrashing from side to side, his eyes under his eyelids drifting back and forth at a fast pace, and his breaths become gasps, almost as though he was choking.

"JJ?" Pope whispers, sitting up and pulling the male onto his back. "JJ?"

No response is given, only another thrash of JJ's head and the kick of his legs. "Stop-" he chokes out suddenly, a shock to Pope's system. "Please-"

"JJ, it's just a dream." Pope grabs him by the shoulders, giving him a soft shake. "Wake up. JJ."

"Let go!" Wails JJ, thrashing and throwing his arms around to the point Pope had no choice but to back away, absolutely horrified by the image in front of him. "Please! Topper- stop!"

What was he supposed to do? He couldn't wake him up, he couldn't even touch him. What was Pope supposed to do?

With one last scream and cry of terror, JJ shot upright in the bed, chest heaving and heart pounding as he clutches tightly at the shirt covering his limbs, hot, pouring tears streaming down his bruised cheeks. He coughs and heaves, sobbing and sobbing as his body shakes.

"Hey, hey, it's okay." Pope is saying then, soft and calm, when on the inside, he was Fucking horrified. "It's okay, JJ. You're safe."

At the sound of his name, JJ shoots his face over at Pope and chokes on a sob. He falls into the other male with a wail, fisting Pope's shirt tightly as he wraps his arms around JJ's trembling body. "It's okay. It was just a dream."

JJ shakes his head. "N-no it wasn't.." he sobs. "It- it was.. real."

Pope only holds JJ tighter. He didn't know what else he could do other than to hold him through his sobs, mind wandering to thoughts upon thoughts on what exactly the dream was about, and let him know that he was safe here. That JJ was safe with him. Always.

It isn't until JJ begins to move, that Pope realizes just how long they were seated there, hugging one another so tightly. It isn't until JJ's chin moves to rest atop his shoulder, checking his surroundings, that Pope realizes just how terrified JJ must be.

Loving from afar - JJPope Where stories live. Discover now