Chapter 14---Red Pills

Start from the beginning

"Oh my god Marinette are you ok? Oh no look you're bleeding, and it's dripping on your pants! Here let me take you to the nurse. You can borrow my gym shorts to change into for the day to." She smiled until and lifted me up, helping me out the door, "You'll pay for the shorts." She said as we both walked out, and I knew exactly what she meant.

As I walked out of the nurse's office, I ran into Adrien, a concerned look on his face, "Are you ok? Did Chloe hurt you? What happened?"

"I'm fine Adrien, don't worry about me. And Chloe didn't do anything, she let me borrow these shorts and took me to the nurse, maybe she feels bad about what she did." I assured.

"Maybe, but it's not very likely." He wasn't completely convinced.

Of course, Chloe was planning something for after school, which is why she avoided being seen when she left. But that did not let her escape. When she got to the living room she saw her mom standing there, furious. Sabine was obviously waiting for Marinette to get home.

"You.. little.. SHIT! DO you have any idea what happened last night? Your dad, slapped me because you couldn't keep your little mouth shut!" And then it came. It started with a slap, then a kick. But that's where it got bad. (Warning: Knife and Blood; skip this part if you are uncomfortable with these topics) Sabine grabbed a knife from the drawer and walked over to Marinette. Fear covered Mari's entire body, what was she going to do? Her mother was about to cut her. Sabine pushed Marinette to the floor and held her down by pressing a knee into Marinette's stomach. Sabine pressured the knife onto Marinette's almost completely bare thigh and dragged it across. Sabine carved the words, Ungrateful Brat into her daughter's skin, screaming at MArinette the entire way through, as Marinette screamed of pain and agony. Once Sabine finished, she screamed at Marinette again, then ordered her to go to her room.


Marinette's POV

As I finished bandaging my wounds, the words of that mysterious man popped back into my head. (Unpause song)

I slowly and hesitantly took them from my bag, and didn't know what quite to do. I popped the cap and took a dose, after all, what could I lose?

Then I touched the clouds and bathed in the sky. A magic broom, a carpet ride. Before I fell and woke in bed, and tried to repeat the words he said..

One to numb the hurt.

Two to ease the pain.

Three to clear your mind.

Forget all the hate.

What did he say next? I forget the rest.. But several weeks ahead, I'll be fine again.

One to numb the hurt, two to ease the pain, three to clear your mind, forget all the hate. Five could never hurt, just to calm my nerves. Several weeks ahead, I'll be fine again.

(Time skip a couple months later lol)

I looked at the tiny red pills, in the big blue bottle, wishing I had the strength back then. Need to get a refill, chase away the evil, all the whispers in my head. But I couldn't find the man. I texted him again, but it said the number didn't exist. So now my days just blur into a haze. They go just like this..

One to stop the chills

Two to ease the pain

Three to wash my guilt

Forget all my shame

Five could never hurt

Six couldn't be worse

Seven days it's been

Here we go again..

One to stop the chills

Two to ease the pain

Three to wash my guilt

Forget all my shame

Five could never hurt

Six couldn't be worse

Seven days it's been

Here we go again..

Third POV

Marinette took too many pills, to close together, and it gave her the reaction she had been half-warned about. "Not more than prescribed", he had told her. But neither knew that she would forget so soon. Of course the man took no blame for the incident, after all, they couldn't find any evidence against him, and he hadn't done anything illegal, even if they could find him, he wouldn't be arrested. And not many knew of how Sabine treated Marinette, nor of how Chloe treated her, not even the break between her friend group. But certainly no one, not a single person including Chat Noir or Adrien, knew of how bad it had gotten. No one knew that Marinette had carved into her skin night after night, trying to add effect to the pills. Chat Noir/Adrien had not noticed because everything seemed to be getting better, Marinette was happy, Chloe was being nice, and the black eyes only came up once in a while. But of course none of that was real. Marinette's smile was a mask of the pills, Chloe only acted, and Sabine and Chloe had learned how to make it not-so-obvious of the beatings and abuse they were giving Marinette. And they especially got worse when she started laughing at the harm. Her giggles made the two angry, and they took it out on her. Marinette had lost all sense of reality, she was on a happy autopilot mode for nearly six months, and not even she realized it. Not until the breath started to leave her lungs and blood started to come from her throat that night. It started as a bad cough, then a couple of splatters of blood in the coughs. Soon after she had found it hard to breath, and even harder as the seconds and minutes passed. By the time an hour had passed she was coughing and vomiting blood breathlessly. She was about to fall unconscious when Chat Noir came into her room and found her on the ground.

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