"Great! Then I'll get that." They found a small table and sat down to wait for their order to arrive. Jisung fiddled with his fingers and glanced outside. The sky was turning from orange to black, and there were tiny stars sprinkled about the dark-gray clouds. Everybody was now done with shopping and seemed to be heading home, filing out of the parking lot one by one.

"You said you came here with Minho hyung. Do you like him?" Felix peered at him with curious eyes.

Jisung choked on his spit. "Wh-what? No!"

I like YOU, dumbass!

"Oh. Haha, sorry for assuming. It's just that, when we saw him today, he seemed very happy to see you." Felix said apologetically.

It's cause we're friends...

"What about you?" Jisung blurted, "who do you like?"

Felix was a little taken aback, but he pursed his lips like he was expecting it. "Well...I try not to like anyone because I still don't know who my soulmate is yet...but..."

Jisung held his breath. 

"...Seo Changbin from year 2 is kind of cute...and I'm sort of hoping that he'll be my soulmate..."


That was the best word to describe how Jisung felt.

Jisung hadn't known what he was expecting, but when he heard those 9 words escape Felix's mouth, he felt like his whole world was crumbling down. Everything he had done and felt for Felix seemed useless, because now he knew that Felix didn't like him back.

What was I thinking? Jisung internally scoffed. There's no way Felix would like a lowlife like me. I literally had no chance. Why was I so stupid?? Why did Minho hyung say that I had a chance when I didn't?

"Ah." He said out loud, then lurched over in pain, letting a dark void swallow him whole.


As soon as he finished the story, Jisung lurched over and put a hand to his mouth. He looked up at Minho with terrified eyes, signalling what he was about to do.

"Fuck!" Minho picked him up and ran to the bathroom. He had just set him down when Jisung opened the toilet seat and hurled inside. 

Minho gently patted Jisung's back, encouraging him to let it all out, but the rotten smell made him turn away and scrunch up his nose. The last time he had witnessed someone vomiting was when he had walked in on his junior, Choi Beomgyu, drinking expired milk and eating stale bread in the cafeteria. It was absolutely disgusting. And he couldn't get the smell of vomit out of his uniform for a whole week after that.

"I'm--I'm done," Jisung coughed. "Water. Water."

"Right." Minho dashed off again and received a glass of water. He brought it to Jisung's lips and the latter drank it like he hadn't drank for an eternity. "Thanks."

"No problem. How do you feel now?"

"Like absolute shit." Jisung mumbled. "I wanna go to my bed. I wanna go to sleep. I wanna sleep everything away."

Minho hesitated. Jisung was still in his school uniform, but he knew that it would take too much time for him to change and do all that shit. So, he decided to leave him be and led him to his bedroom.

Jisung's bedroom was...lets say, a bit too much for Minho. Every inch of the wall was covered in anime and kpop posters, and there was a huge desk pushed to the side with a computer and tons of wires tangled around. There were hero figurines placed on his cabinet, and a concerning amount of plushies and clothes scattered around the floor. But Minho had been here several times before, so he was used to the craziness.

"Ngh..." Jisung plopped down on his bed and rolled himself up in his pokemon-patterned blankets. 

"I'll be going now--"

"Nooo..." Jisung looked at Minho with sad eyes. "Please stay."

He sighed. Jisung was quite clingy when he was sick. "Fine." He climbed in and lay next to him. There was silence until Jisung said,

"I'm sorry."

"Eh?" Minho raised his eyebrows.

"I'm sorry for taking up your time with useless stuff. You're probably really annoyed with me right now."

I am, Minho was tempted to say, but decided against it.

"Felix probably isn't my soulmate. I have no idea who it could be. It's probably some silly girl with blond hair or something."

(no offense to blondes)

Minho opened his mouth, then closed it. No, dumbass, it's me. I'm the one who actually loves you, I'm the one who actually cares for you, I'm your fucking soulmate...

Jisung didn't say anything else. He had fallen asleep.

Minho stared at him, then averted his eyes to his own hands. What a twist of events, he thought bitterly, and a singular tear that held so much meaning traced down his face silently.


just stay, stay with me....


go stream young dumb stupid by nmixx and have wonderful 24 hours

feelings | minsungحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن