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He wished he had seen the signs sooner.


"I can't believe I'm actually doing this." Minho mumbled to himself,  keeping his body hidden from those annoying pests that he believed were called humans. 

He had actually taken Chan's advice (because who could turn down a month of free strawberry juice?), and now here he was, hiding behind the wall Seungmin and Hyunjin were hanging out at.

The two boys were both two years younger than Minho, but to his disgust, they were both taller. Seungmin had a face that reassembled a cute puppy, but everybody knew better than to say the comparison out loud. When he first started dating Hyunjin and the latter had said, "my boyfriend looks like a cute dog!", he had to be brought to the school nurse with a bleeding nose. 

Hyunjin, on the other hand, looked like he was about to kill someone but was actually very nice and loud once you got to know him. He was pretty tall (taller than all the people Minho knew, at least) and had long blonde hair that was usually tied back in a small ponytail. He had girls (and a couple boys) following him all day for his handsome looks, but that all stopped when he started dating Seungmin. Nobody was brave enough to flirt with Hyunjin in front of Seungmin. The last time that happened, Seungmin had almost been expelled.

Minho peeked out from behind the wall, his phone pressed to his chest, and was about to reveal himself when he heard this.

"Ah, Changbin hyung! You're late." 

"Shut up, the teacher didn't let us go until the classroom was spotless." the boy that Minho presumed was Changbin grumbled.

Minho had heard of Changbin before, but he had never really talked or seen him face-to-face. According to the gossip, he was this buff pig-rabbit-looking fella that spent half his time in the gym, working out.

"Anyways, what did you want to even ask us? I'm hungry, and they're serving omelettes and strawberry cake for dessert." Seungmin said, rubbing his stomach.

Strawberry cake??? Minho was regretting his decision more and more. Ugh, I hope there's still some left later.

"Uh, so..." Changbin sounded very embarrassed. In normal circumstances, Minho would have never eavesdropped, but he had to admit that he was very curious why Changbin had wanted to talk to Seungjin. Also, if he got caught, he could just say that he was looking for Seungjin as well.

"...I kind of like Lee Felix..."

Minho almost dropped his phone in shock. Buff gym bunny Seo Changbin liked the school's sunshine, Lee Felix??

Oh...what about Jisung... He hated to admit it, but Minho kind of knew that Felix had a better chance of liking Changbin than liking Jisung.

"Oh. He likes you too." Hyunjin said nonchalantly.

"What the fuck?" Minho accidentally blurted, then covered his mouth. "Oops."

There were some footsteps, and Seungmin appeared in front of Minho. "Eh? You're Lee Minho, right?"

"Uh, haha, who's Minho??" Minho muttered awkwardly.

Seungmin raised a eyebrow.

"Fuck, fine. Yeah, I'm Minho. Guess you caught me." He said. "Sorry."

"Were you eavesdropping?" Hyunjin popped up from behind his boyfriend. 

"No." Yes.

"This is embarrassing." Changbin fretted. "Minho, I have no idea who you are, but you won't tell anyone, right?"

"Uh, yeah, my lips are sealed. This has nothing to do with me anyway." Minho lied.

Fuck...Changbin likes Felix, and Felix likes him back? Oh god, wait till Jisung finds out...But I shouldn't be the one to tell him. I don't want to seem like I would purposely break Jisung's heart.

"Why are you here anyway?" Seungmin asked. "Do you need anything from me and Hyunjin?"

"Uhhhhh....I did...." Minho coughed. "Bang Chan sent me to tell you guys about my problems and ask you for advice, but, uh, haha looks like I don't need it anymore, I'll just be going now..."

He ran off before the boys could say anything.

"....Chan hyung sent me here too...." Changbin sweatdropped.


"I wonder if Minho's put the pieces together yet?" Chan sighed to himself as he lounged on his sofa. "Gosh, Changbin was being so annoying. It's so obvious that Felix likes him back...but Minho knows that Jisung likes Felix....So in all this, Jisung is the one that'll get hurt the most..."

He rubbed his temples. "Ugh, why do I have to be the one holding all the information? It's also pretty clear that Minho's soulmate is Jisung, and Changbin's soulmate is Felix, BUT PEOPLE ARE SO DAMN STUPID--"

"Beep beep," said Chan's microwave. "I would love to hear more of your ranting but the popcorn inside me seems to be done."

"Oh, and now my microwave is talking to me."

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