Chapter 1: It Begins

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Long ago, in the galaxy, far far away, there was a planet unlike any other.

This planet was named Morganyen, home to the Morweens. The Morweens were a race of ordinary people who lived in harmony. It was like any other normal planet. The women cooked and breathed the children, while the men hunted, drank and had intercourse with whomever they desired.

But that all changed, on one faithful day.

A star flew towards the planet. But the closer it got, the more it didn't look like a star. It was a Meteor.

It hit the planet. For days, the meteor just stayed there, and nothing happened. Until one day, it suddenly cracked open, causing some kind of fog to take over the planet in half a day.

Those who breathed the fog in, either died immediately or died shortly after. But there was something strange. Only the men who breathed in the fog, died. The women on the other hand were fine.

The men were furious and chased the women away. The women were devastated but left.

They lived in hiding, wanting no more trouble with the men. After some time, the woman started to change. Both mentally and fiscally but also in beauty as they never got older. Their time stopped at age 25, one could say.

They were blessed with special skills. Some of them were given immense strength. Some, the power of hypnosis, for some, the power of archery, some got the power to build, some the power to hunt and some became breeders and when they realized this, the women decided to build a city of their own.

They created a utopia they called Hyldygos. They also gave each other's blessings, different names.

Strength was called GARTY
Hypnosis was called SIREN
Archer was called MUITENIN
Builder was called BOSKTO
Hunter was called VALKA
Breeder was called ORDEN
And together, they called each other NAUI meaning "Rankers".

The women finally lived in peace once again. They had the place they finally wanted, all the food they could eat, and a family.

Even though some of them missed the men, some of them were happy that the men were no more in their lives. As they could reproduce on their own. And they always got girls, no matter what.

But one problem arose...

Who would lead them?

Every Rankers was saying that they should rule. And everyone denied. They were going to wage war if it wasn't for a sick little girl.

She said that every child, who wasn't sick, who had just unlocked or hasn't unlocked their gifts yet should compete in the trails they build.

And that's what they did. The trails were built in order to strengthen the women.

For 5 days and 5 nights, the children were in the trails. Fighting against vicious animals, dangerous plants and sneaky traps.

Some cried saying that they wanted to go home or stop. Some didn't and kept going forward. Lives were lost. But they had to keep going.

And on the 6th day, only 3 came out of the trails.
A MUITENIN, GARTY and a girl who hadn't awaken her gift yet.

Some of the women were sad as their NAUI died, while some rejoiced.

The final battle commenced. They needed to battle each other. The MUITENIN and GARTY thought that they should team up and defeat the girl who didn't have her gift.

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