"And some times when I do go to pick them up, Mama usually gives me The Food which she makes me feed to them, and or other times I just buy them some Food from their favorite Fast Food Places." Beyoncé tells me.

"Ah okay then good." I say to her.

"Yeah." Is all Beyoncé says to me.

"So, speaking of it'll be next Friday before we know it, your Birthday is next Month, next Week, next Friday to be exact." I say to Beyoncé.

"Are you excited." I ask her.

"Yeah, I can't even wait." Beyoncé says to me.

"And you already know that Mama and Pops are gonna throw me and Solange an amazing Birthday Bash." Beyoncé says to me as a smile forms on her face.

"Yeah, truth. Your Parents always knew and still knows how to throw Parties." I say to her.

"Amen truth." Beyoncé says.

"Solange and I told them what Theme that we wanted for our Birthday Bash." Beyoncé tells me.

"Oooh, and what might this Theme be." I ask her as I raise an eyebrow.

"Nah, nah, no, nope, I'm not telling you." Beyoncé says to me.

I suck my teeth as I roll my eyes at her.

"You'll just have to wait and see when you get your Invitation this Week." Beyoncé tells me.

"Ugh fine." Is all I say.

"So, is there anyone hea that you want at you're Party." I ask her.

"I mean obviously you..... and Anderson, Jevon, Michael and Amanda....y'all are the only Teachers that I like hea, honestly and truly." Beyoncé tells me.

"PeriodT." Is all I say.

"I just know that this Party is gonna be lit as all fuck." I said.

"And IS." Beyoncé says loudly as she lightly nods her head.

Beyoncé and I continue talking while we continue eating.


"Okay Class, you can work in Groups of 4 or less on this 4 Page Packet." I say to my Students as I look at all of them.

"I want to see working, not messing around. That means you Dominic." I say as I then look directly at him, smiling.

Dominic sucks his teeth and rolls his eyes as everyone laughs.

As I then see everyone getting into Groups, I start walking around The Classroom, handing The 4 Page Packets out, going from Group to Group.

And as I reach Dominic's Group, I hand them all each a 4 Page Packet and he tries to slap my ass, so I smack his hand away quickly.

"Not in this Lifetime and most definitely not in next Lifetime, Dominic." I say to him as his friends laugh at him.

I walk away, walking right back to my desk.

I sit down on my chair as place the rest of The 4 Page Packets on my desk.

I look forward and around to see that everyone is working and talking amongst themselves.

I smile softly as I then grab my phone from off my desk.

I turn my phone on, while putting my password in.

And once I'm at my homescreen, I quickly go right to iMessage.

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