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Wally West POV

Grodd was still out there and I needed to find him but more important the following events would be hell on earth.

I woke up one morning I felt tired so I ran the coffee shop and then I got a call from Barry he told me to meet him after labs. I was a bit nervous I didn't know why so I ran there and then I met up with Caitlin Cisco and Barry. So I asked them "what was wrong?" they told me that Wells  have been in the particle accelerator. I having no clue what happened at star labs. But I saw Eddie

Barry had told me that Dr Wells was at the particle accelerator. Me and Barry both said the same time "but the prisoners needed to be moved"" but can I ask how are we supposed to move them if they have super powers I mean come on Barry and Wally that can be done" said Cisco "we just need the technology."

"He's right" replied Barry then I butted in" how we don't have the technology unless..." I got cut off by Cisco

"We could use the technology Dr. wells had in his chair"what chair I replied but then I realized "oh no the technology in the future but we can't use that it could be dangerous."

Yeah but yolo right let me know if you need anything I can help you out with the technology I mean then again I am from the future so yea.

"Barry we have no one that can help us" I mean obviously doctor wells can't help us but" I know someone who can replied Barry captain cold".

Barry Allen POV

Wally I've been a major help around the lab. He helped us understand what we're dealing with. Barry I was called by Catlin you can't possibly be considering this I have too but in order too get the metas out we need him. "We do"said Wally out of nowhere.

"Leonard you're part of the legends of tomorrow superhero Group consisting of the white canary red arrow rip hunter heatwave firestorm and a couple of others but for now you need to help us and trust me later Caitlin we need them and I know they won't try anything right Leonard" I'll never see such interrogation skills on somebody but I won't Wally said Leonard.

After short on the running the truck we stopped the ferris airfield where Joe informed me of a test pilot gone missing. then the met as jumped out of nowhere and began to attack get them! I yelled to Wally he jumped quickly attacking peekaboo then I don't know where but the airplane crashed into the ocean. so we have to let them go defeating to and then out of nowhere Leonard shot his freeze gun on the midst and then we had learned its was a setup after a short moment of time I began to talk to Joe who told me I wasn't the arrow I knew this was true so a idea popped into my head Joe "that's it arrow"at the time I got a call from Caitlin who told me that wells was at the front gate

Wally west POV

I went out first before Barry wells saw me there. I looked at him and then he said "my isn't it Wally West Kid Flash I'm surprised they were able to time travel I mean you're a little 5 year old" I replied with "Actually I'm older than that yeah" then Barry saw me and well said "you can't beat me Barry" and then firestorm appeared out of nowhere and then so did arrow saying "I hope we're not too late" and then I said "Yeah because the two fastest man alive being late would suck so let's fight". we fought like there was no tomorrow me and Barry to be exact then Firestorm was hit and Barry chased after him. but arrow and me fought reverse flash then I was knocked out and so was arrow and he hit arrow about to kill him I knocked him out with a night night arrow I called it that because it took away the power away of any speedy. then Barry outran him Firestorm push them out of nowhere to finish off the final battle we put reverse flash in a containment cell. It was the end but not quite.


CW'S Kid FlashOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora