Emotions must raise

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As the first beam of the sun penetrated the windows hung high on the wall, through the gaps between rotten wood boards, the icy blue eyes of the knight with platinum blonde cracked open.

Her mind quickly returned to sober after just a short doze, thanking the military training. But that gratitude she held toward it vanished as the first thing her clear brain brought her to realize was someone lying beside her, in her bed, and her arms tangled on their waist, wrapping them in against her chest.

She froze still, eyes bolted at the ceiling, heartbeat quickened for the unpredictable condition.

Was she not in dreamland still? Of course not, she was painfully sober, drifting away couldn't solve the problem or make the one leaning on her breasts just disappear, she would need to face the reality eventually.

Inhaled and exhaled, the knight tried to slowly build up the mental preparation. The one on her chest undulated with the swelling and shrinking of her ribcage, still slumbering peacefully, Brienne let out a silent, shivering breath and carefully looked down.

The figure was smaller than hers, with hair fuzzing and face burying in her thankfully clothed sternum, its warmth radiated like a heater, but it was incredibly soft, curling in her arms like a lazy cat.

It was you, her fellow friend.

Her heart was rescued from its hanging position, and she chuckled mutely as the last night's memory kicked in.

You were completely wasted even before leaving the table, head bumping on the counter between cups and refusing to lift up, happily getting drunk in the friendly quips and jokes swapping around and your new-finding-delicious-but-rather-strong wine.

Brienne and Podrick had to carry you up to her chamber, where they both agreed would be the best choice for you to stay without getting your head chopped by a random soldier or something equally worse happening.

Podrick efficiently made his way out of his master's room after dropping you on her bed, leaving the blonde the only one troubled with where to lie her tired self down.

Her tempted bed was soft and warm, with heavy furs duvet and fluffy pillows, which her worn-out body just desperately needed, and it wasn't like she never slept shoulder-by-shoulder with someone else, room was precious in a tent while marching. Her gaze landed on you, already under the blankets, curling up like an infant, taking so less space on her large bed. The decision was easily made. And she found herself didn't resist the thought of lying down beside you, not at all.

Truthfully, when she landed on the mattress, pulled the quote up to cover you both, and closed her tired eyes, your body just automatically snuggled to hers with a satisfying hum rumbling through your throat. Laying beside you made her feel content, like it always should be like that. Her heart swelled with comfort and warmth. Your light snorting was a bit annoying, but she couldn't help her curling lips as her mind fell into slumber.

Back to the present, Brienne unwrapped one of her arms from your torso and brought it up, gently brushing the threads of hair away from your cheek. Your reddened face was exposed, eyelashes rest peacefully on your cheekbones, and the little scar on your forehead creeping along your hairline was adorable in her eyes.

It reminded her how soft and kind you truly were as you told her the story behind the mark. It was formed when you were little, trying to protect a dog from naughty neighbor kids, and ending up with the stone originally aimed at the puppy thrown right on your head.

She smiled at your beaming face and cheerful eyes in her memory when you told her how cute the puppy was and after your persistent begging for hours, your family compromised and took it in. The dog was your fellow friend for those years when you were still in your hometown, always following you everywhere.

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