Embracing must last long

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Lazily curling in the dining hall of the tavern, you were sewing the new fabrics you purchased, trying to make a soft and resilient garment for Brienne. The enforced portion at the elbow was about to be finished when the owner's wife approached you with two cups, setting them down on the spare space on the counter and taking the seat beside you.

Looking up from your work, you gave a small smile, "Thank you, Laura." The hostess always made sure you were hydrated when working, focusing so dedicatedly, resting and feeding were often forgotten.

Taking the mug in hand, your drank from it, feeling the warm and sweet liquid flowing down to your empty stomach. "Don't mention it, sweetheart." She smiled back and drank from hers as well.

After a few sips, she still sat beside you without leaving, and you could feel she was watching you as you got back to working on the clothes, stitching the last opening around the leather patch.

A busy and energetic woman who seemed to never stop working or chatting as Laura usually was, it was strange she just sat beside you without a word. You tied a neat knot on the thread of the fabric and cocked a brow at her, questioning, "Is there anything I can do for you?"

Her expression changed into a fond and motherly one, like looking at an adorable kid or a daughter. You arched your brow even higher, waiting for her to say something. She cleared her throat, "Well, Y/N sweetheart, you are so sweet, hard-working, friendly and kind."

'Okay, it doesn't sound like a good starting of a conversation.' You said to yourself in your mind as goosebumps raising on your nape, a little startled while she continued, "I know you like to travel, and you likely won't stay in a city for too long, but I was wondering, if there's any chance that you are willing to meet up with my nephew? He is a handsome and diligent young man, and I think you two might fit each other. What do you think?"

Your jaw hung wide open in surprise, eyes bolting straight at the older woman before you.

Never in your life did anyone try to match you with others, you were too young to consider that when you left home, so your parents didn't have the chance, and you moved so frequently that you didn't actually bond deep enough with anyone to call them your acquaintance, and certainly not a woman with a nephew in marriageable age who want you to be her family-in-law. Not alone you already had someone in your mind, even though she might not feel the same. You sighed for self-pitying.

"So, what do you say?"

You snapped back from your deep thought, refocusing your eyes on the owner's wife. She looked at you with an excited face and sparkling hopes in her large hazel eyes, hands crossing on the table, waiting for your answer.

How could you refuse a woman that treated you with her kind heart and hospitality? And to be honest, you didn't want to be kicked out and end up sleeping on the street in this kind of weather.

You forced a smile on your face and nodded. "Well, meet up won't hurt. Though I can't guarantee it'll work out."

Laura's face was literally beaming at you like a sunflower, happiness radiating from her arching eyes and deepened wrinkles around them, "I know, I know! Don't worry about that sweety, I won't push any of you, I promise! Now, I better get back to work, I'll let you know when he'll come!" With the last word thrown to your face, she quickly made her way back to the kitchen with her mug, leaving you a wordless horrified little mess who could only stare at her blankly and blink, body shivering like fallen leave.

You didn't know how long the time had passed when the daughter of the owner stopped by and tapped your shoulder, "What's wrong, Y/N? You didn't look well, at all."

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