Movement must come with consequence

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Finishing your lunch with a rounded belly, you lounged lazily on your seat and did your work, dedicatedly trimming the edge of a piece of silky fiber for the following processes, you were going to make it into a handkerchief as a gift for your knight. You knew she wished to be neat and tidy if possible, but the armor was heavy and airtight, so despite the cold weather, she still often got herself thoroughly sweaty after walking around in it all day. You figured a piece of cloth might be useful for her, and there was a tiny secret behind that: you wished she could put it over her heart, just like you held her in your heart.

The shape was almost formed as you seamed it, putting extra care on the final corner, you didn't want to ruin your future masterpiece.

Satisfying as you made it halfway through the proceeding, the object in your hands was properly settled down on the table counter before you stood up and stretched, it would do for now. The snow showing outside the window was mostly melting and the temperature was raising, making today a pleasant time for exploring the city a bit. Maybe trying some street food or pastry would be good, you felt your energy had died out in the toil.

Stepping out the front door of the tavern with a little excitement, you chose a random path and happily strolled along it. You loved watching this thriving town. Its buildings were larger, solid and well-built with more decorations, completely different from those small cabins in your homeland. The people here were more energized and fast-paced, you were a little unfamiliar with that, but you could adapt, it just gave you the different experience that you loved to have. After all, the surprise and thrill feeling it brought was the whole point of traveling.

As you wondering in a block that you had never been to before, a faint smell of mouth-watering food sneaked into your nostrils. Lurring by the aroma, you followed it through a street and the smell got stronger and stronger, eventually leading you to a carnival-like square.

It was filled with street pedlars and food vendors, which were the sources of all the wonderful smells coming from, and there were acrobats and clowns playing their tricks, entertaining the passers and crowds, plus some musicians played their instruments, letting the melodies float in the sweet air. It was a decent surprise for your little trip. You couldn't help a grin expanding on your face and quickened your paces to dive into the festival before you.

You left the quad a good while later, with a package full of stuffed pies and sweet tarts, a fake rose, made of leather and metal wire, given by a clown after you helped they with their performance, and a satisfying smile on your lips. You were thrilled to share your new-gain rewards with Brienne.

Your legs brought you to her usual training spot cheerfully, and you made sure to prepare more food for Podrick and Alina, and if Mike was lucky enough to show himself recently, he might have his serving too.

The road from the festival to the training square was not too far away, so you managed to get there before sunset, running into the squire who was gathering the battle equipment beside the shelter, while the other guards dispersed around the area.

You waved at him with a smile, "Hey, Podrick! How's your day?"

He looked up from the weapon shafts after his hand carefully put the sword back, greeting you with a shy grin, "It is nice. And how's yours?"

"Perfect! I found a market that is almost like a carnival, it's just down the road, crossing a few blocks. And I bought some food to share with you and Brienne." You showed him the pack in your arms.

"Why thank you! I can't wait to try it. I've been there a couple of times, it was full of fun and good meals." He beamed at you and loaded another weapon, dusting his hands as a sign of his task was completed.

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