Friendship must build

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After weeks of snow, the sunlight finally decided it was time to grace the land of the capital of the six kingdoms and beamed in the most bright way in the past month. The heat and light of the sun stopped the storm and woke up most of the citizens in their bright minds.

But unfortunately for you, the ray penetrating through the windows of your room spanked right on your face, annoyedly kicking you out of your sweet dream. You flipped in the thick quilt and groaned, burying your face in the pillow, your eyes tightly shut. The aftermath of drinking haunted your head and made it hurt like being pinned by your own sewing needles a thousand times.

Your throat was as dry as the desert and desperately needed some water. Reluctantly cracking an eye open, you scanned through your room through the eyelash, sadly finding nothing to fulfill your thirst. You blinked, yawned, and whined while struggling to get up, the flame in the fireplace kept your room warm and cozy, you really didn't want to leave. At least your legs were still able to bear your weight as you slid out from below the blanket, trembling but not collapsing, that was good enough for now.

Throwing random clothes on yourself, you didn't bother to make your expression more presentable as the buzzing sounds and pain still acted in your ears and brain. Your hands pushed against the wall to keep you straight while you made the way to the dining hall.

As soon as your feet touched the ground on the first floor, the daughter of the owner saw you. She dropped the empty tray on the nearest table and rushed to you, taking your arm to support you, at this very moment, she was the angel in your eyes. Giving her a weak smile, she chuckled and ushered you to your chair.

Sitting down on the usual spot with a hiss, you leaned your head against the wall, eyes half-lidded, speaking in the most thankful tone you could give out, "Thanks, Alina, you are so sweet."

"No problem, let me get you something to ease the headache. You certainly are not the first one getting drunk in this place." She winked at you before quickly disappearing into the kitchen as you closed your eyes and rubbed your temple. It was a miracle for you that you did not throw up right now.

In a blur, she showed up beside you, bringing a cup of some herb mixture, a bow of soup, and some food, urging you to drink the slimy liquid. You did as she told you, couldn't care about whatever it was.

The taste wasn't pleasant and the smell was strong, but it worked perfectly. You smiled gratefully at her after the imaginary pins in your brain vanished and your ears no longer had tinnitus, "You truly saved my life, Alina."

"Oh, It's nothing. Eat up, you'll feel better soon enough." She laughed and waved her hand.

You nodded and shoved bread in your mouth with a gulp of the hot soup. The warmth in your stomach made you groan in satisfaction, and the gears in your brain started to turn.

"I remember I was drinking with Brienne last night, mug after mug, and finally I blacked out. Now I'm here. Where is she anyway?"

She smirked, her index finger pointed upward, "She should be up in a room if she didn't leave at midnight, though I doubt she could. You really got her wasted. Podrick was upstairs too, he failed to bring her back yesterday."

"Well, it looked like I won the competition." You chuckled, knowing that you could see the knight later make the butterflies in your stomach fly wildly.

"You did? Congratulations! Any bet?" She clapped her hands together.

"Nah, we just drink and drink." You shook your head, having a mouthful of soup, it was hot and creamy, thick and full of flavor. Laura always did her job wonderfully.

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