chapter seventeen

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chapter seventeen

When Harry awoke, the cottage in Ayrith was quiet and still, but not in a peaceful way. It was strangely eery. The early morning sun creeped through the half-opened window, painting the bedroom with light. The birds outside chirped and sang beautifully, but it was more of an annoyance to Harry. His head felt tight and ached deep inside his skull. There was a pounding deep in his brain. Harry didn't drink heavily very often for a number of reasons, and hangovers were certainly one of them.

He stood up wearily, his feet struggling to find balance on the cold hardwood. He rubbed his head tiredly as he walked out to the kitchen. There, he found Louis cooking over the iron stovetop. It was a strange sight to see him standing there like that— so domestic and normal. For a few seconds, Harry almost forgot how much of an arrogant prick he was.

Harry cleared his throat. Louis turned around, giving a small smile. He was wearing his undercover Votharian army uniform, but it appeared to be freshly washed. He nodded towards the wooden table nearby.

"Take a seat, Harry. I'm making breakfast," Louis said calmly. "I washed your uniform for you, by the way. It's on the table."

Harry groaned quietly, putting his head in his hands and resting his elbows on the table. "Oh, gee, thanks."

Louis chuckled. "Headache?"

Harry simply grumbled incoherently in response.

Louis hummed knowingly. He set a plate of food in front of Harry. It was a vegetable breakfast skillet with potatoes, onions, peppers, and mushrooms. It smelled heavenly.

"You remembered?" Harry asked, his voice hoarse and scratchy.

"Remembered what?"

"That I'm a vegetarian."

"Of course. It's one of the most annoying things about you," Louis huffed, sitting down next to him with his own plate.

Harry gave a small smile and began to eat, practically shoveling the food in his mouth. He knew they had a long day of walking ahead of them until they reached Kostaris. It was now clear that Vothare had no intentions of peace with either of their kingdoms. They needed to reach the rest of the army to inform them to fortify the borders and prepare for an attack.

"You certainly drank quite a lot last night," Louis said around a mouthful of food.

Harry looked up at him, brow furrowed. "Yes. What are you, my mother? I'm a grown man, Louis."

Louis raised his hands defensively. "Alright, mate. Just be a little more careful next time, okay?"

Harry frowned. "And why's that?" he pressed.

"Because when you're intoxicated, you tend to say things unintentionally. Secrets and such."

"Secrets," Harry repeated slowly. He swallowed the lump in his throat. Last night was a fog, and he barely remembered a thing after they arrived at the local tavern.

"Yes. For example, how you had sex with the Prince of Vothare, and he fell stupidly in love with you. And how his parents had him killed for homosexuality crimes, and then hired some assassins to kill your parents. And now, they're likely after you."

Harry choked on his breakfast. He coughed for a few seconds before looking back at Louis, horrified. And yet, Louis had a terrifyingly calm expression on his face.

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