chapter five

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chapter five

Despite the scathing summer heat, Louis wore a hooded cloak. He hoped it would hide his identity from the townspeople in Catalens. He didn't want anyone to recognize him as the Prince. Whenever people discovered his true identity, they often treated him like a token. They always had some kind of ulterior motive, whether that be money, power, or fame. It was easier for him to go unnoticed.

Louis and Harry sat in a horse-drawn carriage, trotting along the dirt road. Two brown Shire horses pulled it along while Louis controlled the reins. The wooden carriage was painted white with gold embellishments across the exterior. The large, metal wheels rumbled over the uneven earth, bumping over large stones and pebbles.

The city of Catalens was beautiful. Grey cobblestone roads filled the intersecting streets, bordered with large buildings on both sides. People walked through the city with umbrellas to block the bright sunlight. The sky was blue and clear— not a single cloud in sight. Most of the storefronts were made of brick with thatched or clay shingle roofs.

In the distance, the landscape was breathtaking. The Ardglass river cut through the center, and the two halves of the city were connected by a bridge. Tall mountains formed the horizon, towering above a large expanse of pine forest. Neighborhoods were situated on the outskirts of the city, made of small homes and a few slums. Although the royal family would never address it, many Ethelan citizens struggled with poverty. There were often beggars on the streets asking for spare change. Louis tried to avoid them.

"There's a clothing store over here," Louis said, halting the carriage.

He tied up the horses to a post on the side of the road. Harry hopped out and looked around curiously like a newborn animal. He smiled up at the storefront with a wooden sign that read "VanHoften's Formal Boutique." It was a narrow building with a large glass window showcasing several well-dressed mannequins.

While Louis tried to blend in with the public, Harry clearly was not. He looked visibly foreign and out-of-place. He wore a pink silk short-sleeved blouse and cream-colored trousers that clung tightly to his thighs and bum. His crown of flowers sat neatly on his curls, which were frizzy and untamed in the humidity.

Harry walked through the boutique door and Louis followed. The air felt slightly cooler inside. Clothing racks of various textures and patterns lined the walls. Terracotta tiles covered the floors, and the interior walls were made of chipping white plaster. At the back of the shop stood a tall, dark-skinned man with an apron tied around his waist. He had black, coarse hair and a thin mustache above his upper lip.

"Greetings!" he exclaimed, clasping his hands together. His voice sounded smooth and rich. "Welcome to my boutique. How may I help you?"

Harry smiled. "I need an outfit for the royal ball tonight."

The man's eyes lit up. "Ah, yes! I've heard about that. The Peace and Harmony Ball, right?  Sounds like it'll be quite the celebration."

Harry hummed. "Yes, indeed."

The owner paused, glancing at Harry's head. He quirked an eyebrow at the crown. "Are you..." His voice trailed off into silence, unsure.

"King Harry of Kostaris," Harry greeted, shaking the shop owner's hand.

The man's expression warped into shock and embarrassment. He fell onto one knee, still holding Harry's hand. He bowed his head respectively. Harry seemed equally surprised, as if he'd never received this kind of inherit respect before. After being locked in a palace for eighteen years, Louis assumed it would be difficult to adjust to sudden royalty.

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