It was comfy,there was space so it wasn't tight and it could fit both of us.There was snacks and Miguel's laptop on Netflix,

"How much you love me" I asked him with a cheesy grin since he's been spoiling me.

"Can you tell" he said holding my hand up with the ring on it,we laughed.

We got comfortable as we laid on our stomach's next to each other,he had an arm around my waist while the other was grabbing chips.

We started watching our favorite movies together,this had to be the best birthday weekend I've had.If it wasn't for Miguel,my mom would've taken me to see my grandparents so they can make it special but honestly I would prefer miguel.

"Thank you babe" I said looking at miguel,he looked over at me confused while chewing.I laughed before pecking his cheek,he smiled now knowing what I meant.

"Always baby" he said before looking back at the screen,


my birthday weekend was now over,I couldn't wait to go to school with my ring and probably brag it all day then come home to my aunt.

Miguel like always picked me up and drove us to school,miguel decided to not come over after school since he wants me to spend time with my aunt for a bit before he actually does show up.

Having Miguel always by my side is such a daily thing,but I'm grateful to have him there no matter what.

Through out the day,I kept looking at my hand and smiling at the ring.I figured that I would see destiny.I smirked imagining her disappointment when she seems my hand,it wasn't a small ring but it also wasn't big either.

Third period she didn't look at us at all,miguel kept kissing my hand and I knew she heard it which is why she ignored it.

I was walking to lunch excited to my friends,I entered the cafeteria before looking over at my table noticing destiny in MY spot.I immediately was confused on why the fuck is she there?

I looked at Maddy who looked annoyed,Mason was next to Maddy who had his hand on his forehead out of being annoyed as well.She was across from miguel  who was just confused and kept looking around to see if he can see me,

When he noticed me his eyes widen and gave me a look,destiny seemed to be talking but she couldn't see me since the entry door was behind her.I walked up to the table causing the group to sit up more to see if something was gonna happen,

I stood there to listen what she was saying, "mikey I mean I know we don't talk much like I said but I was wondering after school we can-

"Des do you ever think about your safety when you speak to mikey" Mason asked,destiny looked at him confused. "Oh my god is that y/n behind you?" He said sarcastically

Destiny turned her head and saw me quickly getting up,I smiled at her. Mason laughed "I didn't even notice her" he said,Maddy nudged him to stay quiet

"Hey destiny,you seem bold today" I said,

"I just wanted to talk to my friend-

"Your friend? My boyfriend isn't your friend,he made that clear" I told her,she scoffed before looking at my hand that was laying on the side of my other arm.

"That ring is very visible,you want to make everyone think you're married or something?" She said giggling

"Well actually it's a promise ring that your quote on quote 'friend' gave me since you know,he loves me and" I said raising my hand up,her smirk faded

"You keep embarrassing yourself,I was serious about what happened in the bathroom." I said

"You act like you can take me" she said,

•My best friend• (Miguel cazarez mora book)Where stories live. Discover now