Start from the beginning

"Everybody shut up!" He hollers.

"Kie, you are my best friend, right?" He asks and Kiara shrugs.

"And Sarah, you're...you're my..." He trails off.

"Say it" My best friend encourages him.

"You're my girlfriend" John B states and I smile softly, happy for them.

"Ohh...that's new" Pope mumbles.

"She's your girlfriend now?" Kiara scoffs.

"What was all that talk about you were just using her for information? Get a map, cut her loose" The girl adds.

"You said you were using me?" Sarah asks John B, looking slightly hurt and I frown.

"No" He argues.

"Yeah, you did" Pope argues.

"You said those things" JJ agrees.

"Look, love just walked in, okay?!" John B snaps.

"Oh, vomit" Kiara gags.

"I didn't expect it. It just- it kind of happened. And I'm not gonna deny it. Right?" John B asks Sarah.

"Oh! That's corny" Pope mutters and JJ retches.

"Look, cut the bullshit, John B. If she's in, I'm out" Kiara announces.

"I'm not doing this. I can't!" John B protests.

"You are gonna decide! I'm very interested, actually! Me or her?" Kiara declares angrily.

"Both" He shrugs nonchalantly.

"Went for the Hail Mary" JJ whistles.

Kiara wordlessly storms away and I immediately jump to my feet.

"Kiara!" I shout after the girl.

"Leave her, Alli" Sarah huffs.

"But she's sad" I argue, leaving my best friend and the Pogues behind to chase Kiara.

I find Kiara at the end of the pier, watching the sunset with her legs hanging over the edge.

"Kie?" I speak up and she sniffles, wiping her eyes.

"Why'd you follow me?" She questions.

"I didn't want you to be alone" I admit

"You don't have to stay with me" The Carrera girl shrugs, tears welling up in her eyes and my frown only deepens.

I sit down next to her silently and swing my legs a little as they dangle over the edge of the wood, watching the water below as the sun sets in the distance.

"How are you friends with her?" Kiara breathes out, causing me to look at her in confusion "Sarah, I mean. She's a mean girl and you're...so sweet"

"Sarah's been my best friend since we were babies" I shrug, twiddling my thumbs as I speak "She can be not very nice to some people, but she's always there for me when I need her"

"I'm sorry that she was mean to you, Kie. I should've said something" I add.

"It's not your fault. She cut me off, not you" Kiara counters.

I hesitantly reach out and offer the girl my hand, causing her to look at me in confusion. She takes a hold of my hand and I squeeze it lightly, giving her a reassuring smile.

"I'm always here if you need me" I assure the girl who stares at me in awe.

"Right back at you, sunshine" She smiles softly.


As I walk from where Sarah just dropped me off on her bike to my door, my arm is grabbed and I try to scream but my mouth is covered so it comes out muffled. I'm spun around with wild eyes and fear running through my body to see that Rafe is the one holding me.

"It's just me" He states, taking his hand off my mouth but keeping a hold of my arm tightly.

"Rafe, what are you doing?" I breathe out shakily.

"I need a favour" He declares and I frown in confusion "Can I stay here tonight?"

"Why?" I question him.

"Do I need a reason to stay at my girlfriend's house?" He scoffs, but I don't reply so he let's out a frustrated breath "My dad kicked me out. I have nowhere to go"

"I'm sorry, but I don't think my parents are gonna let you live here" I admit truthfully and his grip tightens on me, making me wince in pain "Rafe, you're hurting me"

"I just need to stay for tonight. I'll find somewhere else after that. Just tonight, Allison" He pleads desperately and I nod, even if it was just so he'd let go of me.

I shakily take a hold of his hand and tug him with me as I enter my house, only to find the place empty. I notice a note laying on the table at the door and I pick it up to read what it says.

Dad and I are working late, dinner is in the fridge and Tommy is at a party
- Mum <3

My heart drops at the realisation I'm going to be alone with Rafe and he merely takes the note from my hand to read it, discarding it after. I'm pulled from the now closed front door all the way up the stairs and into my bedroom.

"Where were you earlier? I tried to look for you, but I couldn't find you" Rafe asks me as I step into the bathroom to change into my pyjamas.

"I was just out with Sarah" I call out.

"Where'd you guys go?" He questions.

"Just for a bike ride" I answer vaguely, exiting the bathroom to see him laid on my bed.

"Have fun?" He continues to interrogate me and worry seeps into my chest.

"It was okay" I shrug, hesitantly climbing into bed next to him.

I stare up at him from my place under a blanket and he leans down, pressing a surprisingly loving kiss to my lips. I almost ask him what it's for but when he presses a rougher one to my jaw, I know exactly what he wants from me.

"Rafe, I'm not really in the mood" I almost whisper, my voice laced with fear.

"I didn't really ask" He mutters.

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