Chapter 10

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*2 days later*

⚠️TRIGGER WARNING⚠️- Abuse, Sexual abuse/assault, Depression

Wanda Maximoff

All I feel is pain. Burning pain on my neck, the hands of the men punching me. The collar, god the collar hurts the worst. I let out blood curdling screams, it's been two days since I woke up after destroying the machine. It's a routine now, I wake up, they might feed me, they beat me, they send me back to my cell, I'm in there for about 3 hours, then they shock me with the shock collar on a high setting, then they throw me back in my cell and don't feed me. Sometimes random men will come in and hit me a few times or spit some hurtful words then leave.

I hate this, all of this. It's terrible. As of right now four men are beating me. I squeeze my eyes shut and sob in pain. Suddenly they stop hitting and kicking me. I slowly open my eyes and three out of the four leave the room. The man thats standing in front of me smirks and I shake my head. This isn't the first time I've been left alone with this man, I don't know his name. But every time I'm alone with him, he touches me. goes even further than just touching. Once the door closes he walks closer. I feel blood dribbling from my mouth and some from my nose too.

He touches my thigh and my heart stops. I only have the HYDRA gown on since thats all I'm allowed to wear. My lip quivers and I try to move my arms out of the straps. But of course, it doesn't work. His hand slides up my thigh to the line of my underwear. He pulls his hand away and looks at me. I feel my body shaking, my mind racing. " The Baron said you need punished. But don't worry...I won't go all the way today little one," He smirks. His hand grabs my breasts roughly and I let out a whimper. Tears are falling down my cheeks and I squirm around trying to get away from him. He touches me, in the places I would have only let Peter touch.

I cry and beg him to stop, as usual. But he doesn't listen. Once he decides that he's finished with me he unbuckles the straps. " Boys you can come back in now," The man speaks. Two of the men from before walk in and immediately grab me. They pull me off of the table and I stand there as they both have a tight hold on my arms. " It's shower day, 20 minutes Maximoff," The guard says before the other two drag me away. We get into the room with the shower and they let me go. I walk into the room and they stand outside of the door.

They hand me a clean gown and I go to the shower. I start the water and take off my gown. Bruises, blood, scratches, burns, and handprint bruises litter my body. Everything either hurts or burns. As soon as I get under the water I wince as I feel the water run over my body. Blood washes off my body and into the drain. I look up and water pours onto my face. I want Peter, I miss him. God, I just want to see him, talk to him, touch him. But I can't. And everything hurts because of it. Not just physically, but mentally. I can physically feel the sadness throughout my body. I just want to die, I don't deserve this. I don't deserve being trapped here, I don't deserve loosing everyone I've ever loved, I don't deserve to be beaten everyday or shocked with a shock collar, none of this.

I have just gotten back to my cell. They lock the cell door from outside and my legs finally give out underneath me. I fall into the corner of the cold room. I lean my head against the wall and breathe heavily, tears cloud my vision. I want this all to stop, I need this all to stop. I shakily wrap my arms around myself as I sob.

I see a flash of red and suddenly I'm not in the HYDRA cell anymore. I'm in a big white room. I stand up and look around. What the hell? I hear loud footsteps and I see a familiar person walk over to me. " Wandika," A thickly accented voice speaks. " Pietro," I gasp softly, he smiles softly at me. He looks the same as he did before. His silver hair is the same length. He walks over to me and pulls me into a hug. I let a tear fall from my eye as I am reunited with my brother. " Wanda, Pietro," A women's voice says. I turn around and our parents are standing there. God they look the same as well.

They run over to us and engulf us into a hug also. I let my tears continue falling. My family, I missed them so much. Next I know more footsteps are heard. I familiar blonde hair and I immediately know who it is. " Gwen," I say softly, she stops and smiles at me. " Hi Wands," She grins. I run over to her and hug her. She sighs and caresses my hair. I open my eyes again and that's when I see him.

He is looking at me with a sad smile. " P-Peter," I sob. He runs over to me and immediately pulls me into a hug. I wrap my arms around his neck and just cry. Everyone I have lost is here, I'm with them. I feel myself surrounded by the warmth of my loved ones. I look up and smile widely. Suddenly I hear a loud boom, the scene starts melting away. The warmth around me disappears and I open my eyes. wasn't real, it was fake. I imagined it with my powers.

I see Strucker standing there with a tray with food on it. " Eat up Maximoff," He states. He sets the tray on the floor and walks away. I look at the food but then look back at the wall. I don't want this, I want to go back.

3rd Person

*in Strucker's office*

The Baron and Alexander Pierce are in the Baron's office. They are talking about their plans. " So the boy...he hasn't tried looking for us," Pierce asks. " No, he did for a few days. But his friends convinced him to stop," Strucker replies. " What are we going to do if Maximoff finds out he's alive," the man with a suit asks. " She won't. There is no way she could find out here. She thinks he's dead, he thinks she's dead. It's working," Baron Strucker states.

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