Chapter 15

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⚠️TRIGGER WARNING⚠️- Abuse, Sexual Abuse/Assault, Murder

Wanda Maximoff

They have been beating me for an hour straight. Strucker is just standing there watching from across the room. Eventually, they stop and he walks over to me. I breathe quickly trying to catch my breath, I feel a painful pressure on my ribs that hurts when I breathe. " Now, Maximoff girl. We were going to stop torturing you as much. That was the plan before you decided to leave and visit your boyfriend. Now you deserve to be punished for the problems you have caused," Strucker spits out.

" I didn't do anything wrong," I say weakly. " Maybe not, but you did kill 58 people, all of that blood is on your hands. And you will be haunted by it until you are the Hydra Assassin again. Do you remember it? Killing them? Do you remember the people," Strucker smirks. I squeeze my eyes shut and tears start streaming down my cheeks. I remember all of them, every single kill. Every person, every way I killed them. The way some of them cried and begged me to stop. And how others just closed their eyes and accepted their fate. Or how on the rare occasion some would fight back, but lose in the end. I remember it all.

" T-That wasn't my fault," I say shakily. " It doesn't matter whose fault it was. You killed them all. You did, not me," Strucker states. He gets closer to my face and whispers, " And you will soon add to that list." I cry out and headbutt him, he winces and stands up. But he doesn't fall back or anything. He glares at me and turns around. " Zapněte napájení chlapci, šokujte ji ( Turn the power up boys, shock her)," Strucker speaks before leaving the room.

The man with the remote to the collar twists the knob and presses the button. Immediately I feel a terrible pain shoot over my body. Before, when they would shock me on a regular setting. It hurt, it felt like I was being stabbed with little pins all over my body. But this. This is so much worse, it feels like my entire body is on fire, like someone just dropped a toaster in my bath water, like someone is peeling the skin from my body. I scream so loud I bet people from outside the base could hear me. I throw my head back and just scream and cry. There's not much I can do. Before I would try to struggle and get away. But I feel like I can't move.

After what feels like two hours- but is more accurately 2 minutes- they stop. My body goes limp and my eyes open. My vision is blurry and my ears are ringing, but I will not go unconscious. Peter will be here soon, I hope.

Peter Parker

I am still swinging to the HYDRA base, I'm in Pennsylvania already. But I'm still about 30 minutes away probably. I feel a slight pinch in my head and I stop swinging for a minute. I land on the ground and put my hand to my head. Something is wrong, Wanda's hurting. I can feel it through the link. I need to get to her. I shoot a web and start swinging again. This time trying to swing faster than before.

Wanda Maximoff

The guard who touches me, I've learned his name the past four times he has been in the room with me alone. Yuri Kozlov. He is in the room right now, he's the only one closest to the table I am strapped to. He clicks his tongue and walks over to me. " Poor little devochka (girl), all alone. Helpless, weak," Kozlov smirks. I let out a small sound, I'm not sure what I meant for it to be. Some sound of confidence that showed him I'm not afraid, even though I am. However, it came out as more of a choked whimper.

He traces his finger up the side of my thigh, tugging on my underwear a bit before letting go. I bite my lip, which is already busted from the beating, I can taste the metallic flavor of blood. I look away from him, trying not to cry. He roughly grabs both of my breasts and I take a sharp breath in. " You are lucky the Baron is nearby. Because oh, the things I would do to you. You are just helpless on this table assassin," he spits. His hands slide down to my thighs again, they stay there for a second until the sound of a door opening is heard. " Kozlov, I need to talk to you, come," I hear Strucker speaks as he walks into the room.

The two men walk out of the room and the left over four guards walk over to me. One of them grabs the remote to the collar and hums. " Hádám, že jsem teď na řadě Maximoff (Guess it's my turn now Maximoff)," one man speaks. He presses the button, and the power is still turned up. I squeeze my eyes shut and cry out in pain. The scream rips through my throat and tears stream down my cheeks. Suddenly it all stops. I can't hear anything but the ringing in my ears. I let my eyes droop open but everything is pretty much blurry. Except for the flashing red light that is going off.

" Peter," I feel my mouth move, I can't hear myself. But I know it came out as a whisper.

Peter Parker

I have just gotten to the HYDRA base, two guards are standing at the front of the base with guns. I swing onto the roof of the building behind them. That's when I hear a scream that makes me want to die. Wanda. I drop down and land on one of the guards' shoulders. I slam him to the ground and the other one looks at me in shock. I web his gun and throw it away somewhere. I kick the guard that is still standing and his head hits the wall behind him. Leaving blood. I turn around and elbow the other guard in the face and wrap one of my webs around his neck and snap it. He falls to the ground dead.

I stand up and burst through the doors of the compound. I leap up and stick to the ceiling, as soon as I find Wanda we can fight all of these people together. But I don't have time to try and fight them alone. I quietly crawl on the ceiling, still following the mind link that is pulling me towards Wanda. Suddenly a loud alarm sound blares throughout the entire building and a red light starts flashing. Shit, they know I'm here. I see guys running in a direction but I continue crawling towards Wanda. I finally arrive outside of a door and I feel that Wanda is in there.

Suddenly two men walk over to the door and as they are about to walk in, I shoot a web at both of them and yank them against the wall. I grab one of their guns and hit one guy in the side of the head with it and shoot the other one. I push open the door to the room and I see a small group of four men standing in around. But in the middle of all of them, is my sweet Wanda strapped to a table. I don't have time to really look at her before the men start charging at me.

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