Chapter 9

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* 5 days later*

⚠️TRIGGER WARNING⚠️- Depression

Peter Parker

Wanda and I have just gotten back to my place after the events with Doctor Conners. We get dressed into comfy clothes and Wanda puts on shorts so she can release the pressure off of her wound. She sits down on the bed and yawns. I smile and plop down next to her. " How are you feeling Wands," I ask. " It hurts, but I'll be fine. It was just my leg," She shrugs. I sigh and she looks at me. She has this look in her eyes that just make me melt. The light is shining off of her eyes making them look even brighter than usual. " You really need to stop looking at me like that," I laugh softly. " Why is that? You look at me the same way Spidey," She giggles. " Cause the more you look at me like that the more I fall in love with you," I whisper. " Is that a bad thing," Wanda asks. " No...but it might be if you ever leave me," I tell her. She furrows her eyebrows and sits up. " Don't say that, I would never leave you. Ever. Just like I know you would never leave me. I love you," She says firmly. I keep laying down on the bed but I stare at her. I know we're both scared of one of us dying and leaving the other. She just doesn't say it. Niether do I. But we both know it. " I love you too baby," I smile. She grins and lays back down next to me. She winces slightly because of her leg and I look over to make sure she's okay. She just nods and cuddles close to me. " Wanda...," I speak softly, she hums and I look at the ceiling. " You wanna move in with me? Here," I ask. She suddenly looks up at me in shock. " Are-Are you sure? What about May-," she starts to say but I interrupt her. " She loves you, she would be happy to have you here. And I'm sure, I love you. And I want you to be here all the time," I grin. She beams and nods, " Then yes, I'll move in with you."

I'm laying in bed while staring at the ceiling. It's noon, and I've been awake for an hour. I just haven't gotten up yet. It's been a month and 5 days since Wanda died. I'm not getting any better, Gwen is slowly getting better. Everyone is slowly starting to be okay again. Except for me. I'm stuck here, right where she left me. Alone.

I look over at my desk and see a picture of Wanda and I framed. God I miss her so much. I know I say that a lot, but it's true. The day she died I felt like a part of me died then too. I couldn't breathe, not literally, but it felt literal. With her every day felt like a new day, like we could do anything we wanted. But without her, every day feels like a loop. I can physically feel the pain running through my body. And it hurts, I feel numb.

I finally stand up and walk over to my desk. There is one picture framed of Wanda and I. But I know I have way more pictures of us, or of just her. And I have more empty frames too. I go to my closet and grab the stack of photos I have of us. I start putting some into frames and taping some onto my wall. Eventually all of the pictures are up so I can see them. Tears roll down my cheeks and I look at all of the pictures. Most of them are Wanda and I, but there are also some with just her. God she was so beautiful.

I need to visit her, I haven't in a while.


I just got to Wanda's grave, I bought flowers on the way. Daisys, her favorite. I get them against the headstone and then I sit down on the ground in front of it. I just stare at the stone at first, re-reading the words over and over again. I still can't believe she's been gone for over a month. If you to tell me 5 months ago that Wanda would be dead, I would refuse to believe you.'s real, she's not coming back. No matter how much I want her to, or visit her, or cry for her. She can't come back.

I sigh shakily and I feel the tears start coming again. " Hey Wands...I haven't really talked to you since you died. I guess...I guess I've just been scared, or in denial. I've been hoping that all of this was a bad dream. Everything that has happened in the past month. I wanted it all to be fake. I was really hoping one day I would wake up and you'd be laying next to me. Or that one day when I would visit your grave you would just be there. Waiting for me. But you never were. And...y-you never will be," I admit.

" God I hate all of this. It's so hard Wands, I miss you so much. It's my fault, and I know that if you were here you would disagree. And you'd be right, like always. But it's just...I can't do this. I promised you that I was gonna find you with HYDRA. I promised that you wouldn't have to hurt people. But I couldn't find you in time. But then I finally got you back, just to lose you all over again. And for real this time. This time you aren't coming back. You didn't just get hit in the head or get taken by HYDRA. You're gone. I promised you, that you would be okay. You knew you weren't gonna make it, and I probably did too. But just hurts so much," I cry.

I put my hands in my hair and just cry. I let it all out, I've been trying to hold it all in more lately. " I don't want to move on Wanda! I can't! I really can't! Everything is pointless! I mean Gwen and Harry have gotten better. But I can't! I lost you, I lost the only girl I've ever loved. The only girl I will love. The moment I met you in the halls at school. I knew you were it for me. I don't know what to do anymore. I don't know how to do this," I whimper.

Gwen Stacy

I am sitting in my room wiping the tears from my face. I have mascara running from my eyes as I look down at my phone. I'm watching videos of Wanda and I, or just her, or her and Peter. Really just anything with my best friend in it. And my heart aches so bad. I've been putting on an act for people, making them think I'm getting better. But I'm not, I miss her so much.

I hear a knock at my bedroom door and I sniff, trying to hide the fact that I'm crying. " Yeah," I speak up, the person on the other side of the door clears their throat. " Hey Gwenny, can I come in honey," my dad asks. " Yeah one second dad," I say. I wipe off under my eyes with the sleeve to my shirt and I turn my phone off. " Come in," I tell him. The door slowly opens and my dad is standing there in his cop uniform. " Hey kid, um I have a question," My dad says. I look at him and furrow my eyebrows. " I know this is a soft subject, so I wouldn't ask if it weren't necessary. But...when Wanda died, did you actually see her body," My dad asks.

My eyes widen, " I saw her body at her funeral. Peter was there when she died. He was holding her. Why?" My dads sighs, " Some guy went into the hospital some days ago with a tube of blood. He asked them to test and see what kind of blood it was and tell him. They tested the blood but they also found out who the blood belonged to and it was Wanda's blood," My dad tells me. " What? But...she's dead. Wait...what did the man look like," I ask. " I was told that he wore a suit and that he's Caucasian, that's all we really got on him," he tells me.

" I bet it was HYDRA...she once told me they used to test on her and take her blood for testing and stuff. What they were doing with an old tube of her blood,"  I sigh.

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