Chapter 4

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⚠️TRIGGER WARNING⚠️- Attempted Suicide/ Depression

Wanda Maximoff

I lay on my cot, curled up and facing the wall. My arms are wrapped around myself, trying to find the slightest bit of comfort. It's not working very well though. It's been 2 days since I found out about Peter. I just feel like a piece of me is dead inside. I want to see him again so badly. I miss him. I hear the door to my cell open, but I don't move. " Get up Maximoff, we're taking you to the testing room really quickly. Then you can go back to moping," I hear Doctor List speak. I still don't move, I just stare forward at the stone wall. " Grab her," List says with annoyance.

I feel arms on me and they snatch me off of the cot. The tears come back to my eyes and they start falling. I don't walk, I don't have the energy. I just let them drag me through the halls. Once we get to the testing room they make me stand up and the men let go of me. The other doctor grabs a needle from a tray and looks at me. I look at the ground and he grabs my arm. He turns it over and puts the needle in me. I don't wince, or close my eyes, I just look down. I don't care what happens to me anymore, I just want to die.

The doctor takes my blood and puts the needle back on the tray. I look at the metal tray and see a blade, one similar to the one they would use to see how fast Pietro's healing was. I stare at it as Doctor List and the other doctor talk to each other. I glance and see if anyone is looking at me, they aren't. I slowly reach for the blade and once I grab it I hide it in my shoe. After a few minutes the men turn to me and grab me again. They take my back to my cell and shut me in there. Once I know they're for sure gone, I pull out the blade.

I shakily slide down the cold wall and breathe heavily as tears stream down my cheeks. I can be with my boyfriend again, I can see my family again. I look up and smile sadly. " I'll see you soon Peter," I whisper. I bring the blade to my wrist and slowly cut one spot. I do it over and over again all along both of my arms until I feel myself getting weak and tired. I'm loosing a lot of blood already, I can feel it. The blade falls from my hand and I look at both of my wrists. The blood is pouring from the cuts. I look up and sigh in relief, I just let my tears fall.

3rd Person

In the testing room, Doctor Petrov is testing on Wanda's blood. He looks over to the tray by his computer where the needle is. But then he notices something, the surgical blade is gone. The red headed man looks over to the only other person in the lab. " Fyodor, kde je chirurgická čepel. Položil jsem to sem, přesunul jsi to ( Fyodor, where is the surgical blade. I placed it over here, did you move it)," Petrov asks.

The other man with dark brown hair looks over at him. " I did not move it, is it missing," Fyodor Hajek replies. " Shit, we need to tell the Baron! It's gone," Doctor Petrov exclaims. The two men rush to the Baron's room, once they get there they open the door. The man with a monocle looks up from a paper and furrows his eyebrows. " Is there something wrong," He asks.

" A surgical blade is missing from the testing room, I did not misplace it sir! Someone has taken it," Doctor Petrov states frantically. " What? Who was last in the room," Strucker exclaims. " Cermak, Krejci, List, me, and...Maximoff," The doctor says with realization. " Maximoff has a blade?! Set off the alarm, and raid her cell," Strucker yells. He gathers 4 other men as the Doctor goes to turn on the emergency alarm. It starts going off and the building flashes red. Baron Strucker and his men rush to the young girls cell.

Once they get there they open her door and prepare their tasers. But once the door opens they see the scene. The brunette is laying on the ground, blood gushing from her wrists and half conscious. Strucker stands there in shock, he knew she would be sad about her lover. But he didn't expect it to be this bad. " Get her to the medical room," Strucker sighs. Two of the men pick her up and take her to the medical room.

Baron Strucker

I walk back to my office with Doctor List. Once we get there we close the door. I pinch the bridge of my nose as I sit down. " What are we going to do if the girl does not survive Baron," List asks. " She will survive, I'm sure of it. This is just a messy situation," I sigh. " Well what are we going to do when she wakes," He questions. " Nothing will change. We will continue our plans. We will continue to test on her, and we will do the procedure again. She will do as we wish again. We will see if the soldier serum will work with her blood, if it doesn't then we will just train her again without the use of her powers," I state.

" And if the procedure doesn't work," the Doctor says. " Enough questions Doctor, could you tell some of the guards to clean up her cell. We don't need the blood staining the floors," I order with annoyance. Doctor List nods and leaves the room.

Wanda Maximoff

" Wanda, Wanda wake up baby," I hear a familiar voice speak. I slowly open my eyes and I see the sun shining on me. I'm laying on a few blankets in the middle of the woods. There are lights all around me. Wait...this is where Peter took me on my birthday this year. I sit up and see my boyfriend standing in front of me. He's wearing his cap and gown from when we graduated. I stand up and look at him with tears in my eyes. " Peter," I say shakily, he smiles sadly at me and I fling myself into his arms. He kisses my hair as I cry into his chest.

" I missed you so much, I'm so sorry. I should have- I should have stopped Strucker. I'm so sorry, I love you Peter," I sob. He pulls me away and cups my cheek, " It's not your fault Wands. It's not. None of this is your fault. I love you baby. But you're not gonna be here for much longer." He wipes the tears off of my cheek with his thumb but they just are replaced by more tears. " W-What do you mean? I'm dead, right," I whisper. He shakes his head, " No, you're not dead. You're not going to die. Wanda please-" Suddenly a white light appears and I can no longer see Peter.

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