Yuriel, and White Roses. (2)

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I decided to wear a flowly and light turquoise and white dress, with white lace and ribbons. Along with a white hat and a parasol to match the sunny spring weather.

I'm 99% sure that Giselle was forced to invite me, maybe out of the small amount of respect they have left for me. Or maybe, an act of pity to the Marquis.

Hopefully, I'll see Lady Astoria there, I'll just hang around her instead.

I enter the carriage, as Mabel follows behind me, the coachman lending his hand.

"My, it's such a wonderful day today!" Mabel starts conversation looking enthusiastically through the window.

"The spring weather is beautiful this time around." I say with a small smile, the colourful flowers blooming through the grassy fields.

"Yes! The greenhouse at the manor will surely been groomed and taken care of!" Mabel says. "It will be a great spot for some afternoon tea."

"When that time comes, you'll join me right?" I say with a smile.

"Me? I'm a maid my lady.." Mabel counters looking slightly dejected but still with a smile.

"But you are also my friend, and we can do things like that as friends as well." Suddenly, I feel like some sort of scammer, like it's too good to be true for someone.

"Well, I've always wanted to drink from fancy tea cups, so if you don't change your mind, I'll gladly take you up on that offer!" she says brightly, her expression rivalling the sun.


Arriving at the academy was an easy ride.

I could see the academy perfectly from where I was sitting in my carriage, a huge bricked castle with a tall black gate with what seems to be the Academy's logo implanted at the centre.

A group of nobles stand at the entrance, ladies with parasols and men standing regally despite the hot weather.

The coachman offers his hand to help me and Mabel down once more, as Mabel opens the parasol and offers it to me.

"This weather is so hot my lady!"

"I should've brought the fan.." Mabel says as we walk towards the the crowd.

"Yes, I hope they have refreshments— I'll sneak you something trust me." I say with a giggle and Mabels eyes gleam.

The Laurier family's gift was a donation of new books, and the fate of where those books go lie in this envelope in my hand.

We walk a bit closer and I finally see the golden strung hair of the Fortes'.

Giselle, her brother Hugh Reign Fortes and in the novel he was overjoyed at the finding of her sister.

With all due respect, Hugh is a nerd, and he has a creepy obsession with his sister. He has the same golden hair and eyes, his hair reaches his hip and is braided.

"Should I really give them this envelope?" I say while we walk towards them.

"Well.. your father did prepare that especially for this school my lady." Mabel replies looking confused.

Before I approached Giselle, someone decided to beat me to it.

The crown prince, Mathias, beats me to it.

He holds a box in his hand, as he kisses Giselles hand.

For some reason, I feel a sad or bittersweet feeling. Maybe this is Adelena's emotions again? I know she's s gone but I guess her jealousy and ambitions still live inside me.

I didn't realize I was staring until Mabel started speaking.

"My lady, are you okay?" she asks with a worried expression.

"Yes." I say as I swallow the lump in my throat approaching the laughing pair.

I see as they stiffen when they notice me, I notice how the people laughing with them stiffened around me.

"Lady Giselle, Sir Hugh, I congratulate you both on the opening of the academy." I say with a curtsy.

They both bow back and the crown prince only has a look of repulse.

I hold the envelope towards Giselle, and she makes an expression of hesitance.

Does she think I'm going to pull a prank or something?

"This isn't a trick right, Lady Adelena." Hugh intervenes with a cold look on his face.

"I wouldn't be surprised if it was." Mathias says with a sly smile.

I freeze. Are they ganging up on me?

"Hah.." they really think I would start something at a school opening?

What harm does an envelope even have, like please.

"I'm sure theres only a gift for books in here, but if it really was a trap then why am I holding the envelope in my hand now." I respond with a smile.

There was a quick silence, and a look of embarrassment until Giselle had enough of it.

"T-thank you Lady Adelena, these books will be put to use." Giselle says quickly taking the envelope from my hand.

"Congratulations on the opening of your academy." says a familiar voice behind me.

the outfit Adelena wore underneath, ignore the whale and rabbit i found the picture on pinterest!

the outfit Adelena wore underneath, ignore the whale and rabbit i found the picture on pinterest!

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I just thanked you guys for 2k last chapter but thank you so much!

Sorry for late update!

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