Days and words.

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Adelena's POV
It's been about 3 days since I woke up in in Adelena's world. I've come to accept that now I'll be living my life as "Adelena Soleil Davina Laurier". It's a heck of a name I must say so myself, it'll take some time for me to get used too. I've regained some of Adelena's memories, all from etiquette, to small details from her childhood.

During these couple days, Vedette and Ciel have been visiting me everday! They come in the morning and we've decided that we'd have breakfast and dinner together. The twins are the highlight of my day, they're the only people I have that I can talk to in this world.

Third person POV
Adelena fixed her hair to the side as she walked through the halls of the Laurier Manor. She and Mabel (Adelena's maid) we're heading to the garden so they could enjoy the great weather outside. She didn't want to slouch around like she did in her past life, this sudden surge of energy surprised the maids and servants. It made them question what made the quiet and modest Lady Adelena, who spent most of her time in her room or outside the Manor constantly trying to win the favour of nobles, suddenly make time to eat breakfast and dinner with the twins and take walks.

Everybody knew that Adelena was more on the fragile side, she didn't have much stamina which is why she couldn't learn the sword. She'd rather be outside socializing with other nobles, or studying to educate herself on what she would have to know to one day become the empress.

How could she suddenly change? Was she tired? Is she taking a break? Did she have a change of heart when she collapsed that morning? Questions, and theories paced around the mansion spreading like wildfire. There would be so little time till it reached the ears of the Marquis and Adelena's older brother.

Adelena's POV

Even though I want to enjoy this lifetime to the fullest, I can't act rashly. I've been hearing the maids and butlers gossip about me recently. I even gathered up the courage to ask Mabel about what they were murmuring about, she only answered with:

"M'lady... I don't want you to take this the wrong way, but I can't hide it forever!" Mabel said with a guilty tone.

"The.... the maids and butlers have been talking about how you've changed recently! I-it's not a bad change though! They've been saying how you've gotten more approachable and open towards them! I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner, I was worried that you'd react strongly from the servants talking about you..!" She continued.

She looked so worried that I'd lash out on her, was Adelena that scary to please?

"Wow! Look we've arrived to the garden M'lady!" Mabel said excitedly as she looked around.

I closed my eyes and breathed in the fresh air. I opened my eyes and took a moment to gaze at the flowers and white roses on the bushes around me, it was truly a sight to behold.

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