Birthday Banquet (4)

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Adelena's POV
Could we be leaving early? Am I in trouble? Thoughts were constantly pacing around in my head; as I questioned what the Marquis would need. I quickened my pace to the lobby as I cursed at this bodies low stamina.

"The lady has arrived." a guard said as he opened the door for me. Ciel and Vedette were patiently waiting on the seats as Inglid and the Marquis acknowledged my arrival.

"Marquis." I said as I made my way towards them.

"Take a seat, Adelena." the Marquis offered.

I sat down and glanced at Inglid who was visibly scowling.

"What's with the dress?" Inglid questioned.

"What's wrong with it?" I remarked.

"Tch, I thought you'd be wearing white again."

"It doesn't hurt to try something new."

Just as Inglid was going to reply Vedette and Ciel decided to share their own opinion.

"Sister Adel looks good in anything!" they said in unison; as they quickly glanced at each other displeased.

I smiled as the two glared at each other, how could Adelena not find these two adorable.

"Ahem." the Marquis interjected suddenly.

"We will be leaving early, there has been some commotion on the way to the Easton manor; we may be late if we don't leave early." the Marquis stated writing something down on a paper.

"I suppose that the carrige will be to small for all of us to fit together, so Adelena, why don't you take another carriage by yourself." Inglid smirked suggesting another scheme.

"By myself..?" I questioned, in disbelief of what he was saying.

"Yes, me, father, and the twins will share a carriage; and you, will have your own." he repeated.

"That's absurd!" I exclaimed, how was I supposed to not be angry? He's clearly disregarding me.

"What do you mean, Adelena? You always complained of the carriages being too small for 5." he said and his lips curved into a smug smile.

"Enough you two." the Marquis said, he was being awfully quiet anyway.

"I'll just share a carriage with Adelena." he proposed nonchalantly.

"WHAT?!" me and Inglid exclaimed in unison.

"At least it wasn't us for once." Vedette and Ciel stated.

"The twins should at least have an older sibling to watch over them, me and Adelena will share, and Inglid and the twins will share." he explained, what's with a change in attitude..? I thought the Marquis resented me.

"That seems... reasonable.." I gave in, it's not like I had a choice anyway.


We made our way outside, and headed towards the main gate where the carriages sat idle.

Inglid, looking quite ticked off helped the twins on the carriage and went in himself.

I walked towards the carriage which had quite a high step, I was about to grab onto the door when the Marquis extended his hand to help me up.

"Huh?" I said in confusion.

"You can use my hand to help yourself up." he offered.

I know this is a common act for nobles, but it was my first time experiencing it myself in this world; it was quite nice.

I took his offer and got onto the carriage as he followed.

Soon after, the carriage started venturing towards the Easton Manor. According to my memory; the Easton's were gifted in magic, making themselves the sole pillar of Magic. All their family members were famous for becoming great mages; the current head of their house— being the Great Archmage.

I wonder what type of person Amelia Easton will be. In the novel; she had a smaller presence being a side character— one of Gisselle's friends. Will Gisselle be at this banquet..? My thoughts were soon interrupted by the Marquis.

"What are you thinking so hard about?" he questioned.

"I was just curious about Lady Amelia is all." I replied hesitantly.

"I thought you'd be familiar with her, you do go to many gatherings." he stated.

In truth, I still haven't regained much if Adelena's memories yet; if Amelia was an important pawn for Adelena to reach the thrown, then why didn't she make a big enough impact for me to recover memory of her earlier?

"We don't really talk much, I hoped we would've been closer since we're both daughters of Marquis." I said trying to end the conversation.

"Marquis... hm... Adelena, why don't you call me 'Father'?" he suddenly questioned. This man really is full of surprises.


IM BACK!! i know i said this would be on hiatus but i was motivated to upload lols.
P.S my writing style has changed— in good ways and bad, but i do hope it will be satisfying enough.

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