A Little Vacation

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Changbin finished loading the car as he looked at Felix, "Remind me again why we said we'd bring Seungmin with us." He sighed, "I'm not complaining, but it's bad enough having one Little but two."

"He's lonely OK? He has no caretakers and is used to being Little by himself. I thought it would be nice for him to feel safe. Besides, he can keep Minho company when we go to our room to wrestle." Felix grinned as he rubbed his husband's arm seeing the smirk on his face.

A car pulled up beside them; Seungmin got out of the car, grabbed his suitcase, and headed over to his friends, "Thanks for letting me come with you. I appreciate it." He blushed, "I just hope I'm not too much trouble; Little Seungmin can be very tricky."

"We can cope with tricky." Changbin smiled. "Do you have you have everything you need?" He asked as he picked up his suitcase and put it into the car.

Seungmin opened his backpack, "Sippy, plushie, paci...um...oh, I should give one of you this." He pulled out his passport handing it to Felix, who placed it with the others in his bag. "Oh, and I'm not gonna be able to pay as a Little; how should we...?" He asked.

Felix shook his head, "Don't worry about that. You already paid us for the hotel and the plane ticket, and we'll ensure you have enough to eat and drink." The cat-hybrid smiled, petting Seungmin's arm softly. "Your job is just to be Little and enjoy yourself." He nodded, "If you want to slip now, you can."

Seungmin blushed slightly, "Maybe in the car." He bit his lip as he placed his hand into his bag, rubbing the ear of his puppy plushie.

Felix looked at his watch, "I should get Minho up from his nap, and then we should head to the airport."

Changbin smiled at Seungmin as they stood out in the sun. It was a beautiful summer morning, and their flight wasn't until much later, but they had to journey to the airport with two Littles."Seungmin, do you mind if I ask you something personal?" Changbin said softly, not wanting to sound rude.

"Um, sure." He smiled, "What's on your mind?"

"Why don't you have a caretaker?" He asked, knowing he couldn't ask when he slipped.

"I did once, but he said it was too much for him to handle. That was about two years ago, and I've been alone ever since." He bit his lip slightly.

"I'm sorry." Changbin stroked his arm softly, and he wanted to pull him in for a hug. "I didn't know."

Seungmin shrugged slightly, "It's in the past; I'm always hoping I meet someone willing to look after me."

"I know you will." Changbin nodded, "shall we go in and see how Felix is doing?" He asked. He wasn't stupid; he knew what Felix was doing, trying to get them to adopt another Little. An extra person in the family wouldn't be that bad, especially one who wasn't a cat-hybrid.

It took 30 minutes to wake Minho, get him changed, and buckle into the car, "Is everyone ready?" Felix asked.

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