Mortified - Short

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A/N: Please don't be mad I reposted this, I thought it was too funny.


The house was quiet on a lazy Sunday afternoon, too quiet. Hyunjin knew Chan was in his Littlespace, and usually, he'd be begging for cartoons or a cookie. Getting off the sofa he decided to go find him, he searched all the rooms downstairs before heading up, he could hear him chattering to himself in his room.

He opened the door watching Chan as he sat on the floor, his back to the door as he pretended what he was holding was a rocket, "Zooooom." He sat giggling to himself.

Hyunjin smiled, slowly walking around to see what he was playing with his face turned white. Chan was holding a vibrator.

"Channie." Hyunjin stood there not sure what to say or do, he was very glad that he was meticulous about keeping things clean.

"Mommy." Chan smiled standing up he rushed over to Hyunjin giving him a hug. "I found a rocket ship." He held the berry-colored penis waving it around. "Zooooom, I'm a spaceman." He grinned as he rushed away from Hyunjin running around the room.

"Channie, that's not a toy."

"It's not?" He frowned looking at the jiggling item in his hand. "What is it?"

"Why don't you ask your Daddy?"

"But Daddy's not home." He pouted prettily, "It looks like..." He gasped as his eyes went wide. "Mommy, it looks like a diddle." His word for penis.

Hyunjin was trying hard not to laugh and die in equal measure. "Why don't we put it back where you got it from?" He tried to grab it from Chan but he pulled his arm back.

"No it's my rocket ship, and the spaceman hasn't landed yet." He pouted, he turned It over looked at the bottom, he hit the button. It started vibrating he dropped it instantly. "Mommy." He grabbed Hyunjin's arm. He reached out a foot poking it with a toe.

Hyunjin had his hands over his mouth trying hard not to laugh as he saw Chan's confused face.He heard a voice behind him, "Jinnie?" He turned to see Felix standing there. "Are you ok?" He frowned, seeing them both just stood in the room not moving.

Chan rushed over to Felix, "Daddy, I found mommy's rocket ship." He pointed to the vibrator still buzzing away on the floor.

Felix was trying not to laugh as well, he walked over pick it up, "That's not Mommy's," he stated quietly.

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