And still.... Nothing.

She tried her mom, knowing at this point she didn't care about being punished. She just wanted to be saved. But she was also conscious of the time. Her mom was at work and while there was a chance she'd pick up, it was slim to none

And the none was confirmed as she once again got voicemail.

She searched her phone, scrolling up and down before stopping one more person.

Someone who definitely wouldn't want to hear from her. But with her situation, more than anything she needed help, and even he couldn't put his emotions before that...... right?

Ringing his number, it quickly cut off and a sob that she'd been holding in slipped out.

He'd declined her call.

Trying again, the same thing happened.

But as sad as it made her, she Atleast knew- he was near his phone.

He was seeing her calls.

And if that was the case, he should see her messages.

Going onto all her apps, she quickly sent him her location and texted him. Snap, iMessage- hell she even pulled out the WhatsApp.

Anything to get his attention.

Assiana: Ares I know im th last perspn you wanna hear from rn but I need you pleasr come ger me.

A: please im begging you

A: if you won please send somone

A: I've called everyone.

A: plese

Sending the messages quickly, she ignored her mistakes from typing too fast. she went back on snap texting the same while also making sure to turn on her location for him there and sending it straight to him.

Just then she could hear footsteps coming towards the door and she hid her phone quickly, watching as the door opened and D'mani entered, a smile breaking out on his face as he saw her.

"Thought I'd have longer before you woke up. No worries though. I want you fully conscious so we can enjoy tonight together" he told her, letting out a breathy laugh as he put a plate down on the bed infront of her. "I ordered us pizza" he gestured to the three slices, inching it towards her but she only looks at it then him in distaste.

"I don't want any pizza. You know what I would want right now. What I'd really like is to be able to go home. We can start over y'know? I'm not even mad about this like.... Like I get it. But we don't have to do this D, please. Just let me go" she begged slightly at the end, trying to keep calm.

At first he was still smiling at her, but towards the end his expression changed to one of anger.

"Let you go? Why would I do that?........We want eachother Assi. Me a little longer than you have...... but we do. And finally Am gone have you. Every bit of you can be mine......." D'mani had a crazy look in his eyes that made Assiana's heart beat race, a frightened look on her face but she tried to mask it.

"W....what do you mean?" She asked.

D'mani smiled as he thought about it.

"I was going to West Crest for years before moving. And during those years I always saw you Assi...... so pretty. So perfect.. so..... out of reach. Always around those niggas- especially Felix- he the one that kept you from me the most....... The thought of him being the one to have you killed me. So many days I'd see y'all together and just wished I could get rid of him and have you to myself. All the way up to 9th grade when I moved. I even remembered saying bye to you before I did and you gave me.... Such a sweet smile and said good bye back...... I just knew I had to come back for you- I would be back for you. And here we are. Even Felix couldn't keep you from me this time. And I know.... That you're a virgin Assi..... god you're so fucking precious. It makes this all the more better. I don't have to rid you of him..... or be upset because god knows how upset I was at the thought of him................Well.... .....You know." He does a weird laugh as Assiana tried to mask her horrified expression. "I don't have to ..... fix you. And that's so great baby... so great. I have a blank canvas..... to do anything I want. And make you mine........ all mine...." He said, turning to her with that crazed look.

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