Act 2, Scene 6

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Int. Rose's house-a few minutes after she got home

Int. the Rose's house-after Paris got home

Paris goes into her house smiling blissfully. Diane sees a difference in Paris. Paris sits down next to Diane.


So? How did it go?


Umm...I got my first kiss mom. I can't stop smiling. 


What? (Sarcastically) So, I send you out with a guy and you get your first kiss?


Umm, yes.


How did I get a grown-up daughter?


I have no idea. Speaking of, Comoran wants to take me on a "real" date tomorrow. I told him I would ask you.

Diane looked happy her daughter was. She couldn't resist.


Yes. Only if you agree to set a date for me to meet him afterward.


I guess he would agree. I'll probably ask him.

Paris took out her phone and went to Camoran's contact. 

Paris: My mom agreed to the date tomorrow. But you have to meet her afterward. I hope you don't mind.

Camoran answered a few minutes later.

Camoran: No problem. Just plan a time.:)

Paris put her phone back in her pocket and smiled.


He agreed to meet.


So then you can go on the date.

Paris smiled.


         Thank you! Thank you!

Paris's phone buzzed.

Camoran: So date or Nah?

Paris: Tell me when and where we should meet.

Camoran: Yay! Oh, you'll want to dress fancy and don't wear a hoodie or jacket thingy. Show who you are.

Paris: Uh...okay. :)

Paris is happy that someone is taking an interest in her and her disability.

After Paris goes upstairs and goes to Lexi's contact. She was thinking about all that happened. The kiss, the walking on the beach, everything. Paris tried to call Lexi, but she didn't answer.


Oh well, I'll call her tomorrow.

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