Act 1, Scene 5

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Int. Paris' room- after dinner


After dinner, Paris goes up to her room with her sketch bag and phone in her pocket. She sets her phone on her nightstand and sets her bag on her neatly made bed. She sets everything out to draw. 


(Talks to herself) What should I draw?


Paris starts to draw a face-like shape with eyes like Cameron's.




Paris draws the nose and lips of the face.


(Talking to herself) Oh, my goodness, this looks just like him. Camoran. The guy I had a conversation with. Wow!


Paris puts her sketchbook in her bag and puts the bag on her desk chair.


(Talking to herself) I'm going to tell Lexi about Camoran and ask her how the first day of her senior year was.


      She picks up her phone and dials Lexi's number. Lexi picks up on the fourth ring.


                                                       Hey Paris, What's up?


                  I just want to know how your first day was, and I want to tell you something.


     Oh, my day was awesome. I did have some problems with chemistry though. How was yours?


         Mine was good. I just can't believe we're seniors. I met someone.


                                                         Ok. Tell me more.


Well, I was done with school and I wanted a little fresh air. I went down to the lake next to my house and I sketched a little. Well, a boy my age came and admired it. We had a little conversation. He even noticed me pulling my sleeve down, and I told him.




  Yes. Surprisingly he was very understanding. I'm glad about that.


That's nice. So, you had a conversation with him, and you told him about your CP? Does he have an attractive brother that I can date?


(laughs) Lexi! You are boy-crazy. And no, he didn't say that he had a brother, and especially your age.


                         I'm just kidding. But I'm happy you met this dude.


Thanks, Lex because he wants to meet up and get to know each other. He gave me his number. Crazy, right?       


So, this dude gave his number after knowing you five minutes, and you allowed it?


What has society turned into?

   (Laughs) Uhm I don't know. You'll have to ask the universe.

Lexi talked with a muffled voice. Paris heard voices on the other end of the phone.


I need to go. My mom called me for dinner. Talk later?


Is that even a question? Yes, of course.


            Okay, talk later.
  Everything would be okay. Paris has Lexi. Her mom, Diane, and maybe a new future. A new friend.

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