Act 1, Scene 6

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Int. Paris Room- after the phone call with Lexi

Paris grabs her sketchbook and heads downstairs to where Diane is working on bills. Diane has never been good with numbers or bills especially. Paris walks up slowly with her sketchbook in her hand.


       Paris Honey. What's up?


I want to show you something, but if I'm interrupting I can go back downstairs until you're done.


No. no. you're fine. I needed a break from all these bills. What's going on.  


Okay. Well, I drew Camoran from my memory and I wanted to show you what he looks like.


             Okay. Show away.    

Paris opens her sketchbook to the drawing of Camoran. Diane's jaw drops.


          Is... is this Camoran?


(Nods) Yes. I drew this for you to see what he looked like.

Diane takes the sketchbook and looks at it up close. She looks up at Paris. 


He is cute, Paris, but I want to see if he is worthy.

Just then Paris' phone beeped. Paris looked at her phone. A text from Camoran says, How about we hang tomorrow after school say 4? Same place we met.


           Is that Camoran?


   Yes. He wants to know if we can hang tomorrow. I've got it.

Paris types out a text to Camoran saying, My mom wants to see a full conversation between us to see you're not dangerous. Dating rules. :(


I've got it under control mother dearest. And when I have this full conversation I get to hang out with Cameron. Whoo.

Paris' phone beeped. A text from Camoran. That's cool. I'm chilled about it. I know what you mean about the dating rules. Let me know when you're allowed to hang.


This dude is super chilled about everything.


             So? Can I see?  

Paris hands Diane her phone and Diane read through the texts. Diane looks at anxious Paris.


     You can hang out with him.


  (Jumps up in the air) Yes!! Mom, you're the best.


                I know. 


I'm going to my room and draw. Thank you! Thank you!

Paris hugs her mom tightly. Diane smiles, trying to breathe from the tight hug.


          See you later Mom.

Art That Never Heals (Play)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz