Chapter 11

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Inside the tent....

When Mikha left the tent, all other models, make artist and stylist, were mesmerised by Mikha's visual and said she can also be a model and not the photographer. Some models even shown some interest in Mikha and Aiah was frowning because of annoyance. Her makeup artist never missed the sudden change of her expression, nonetheless, he never comments.

Aiah started putting on the first winter clothes for the shoot. Nothing fancy, it was just a simple white silk paired with a black pants and wrapped with a black and white cubes design in a soft tweed coat. She started asking the stylist and makeup artist, how was Mikha as a photographer.

All of their feedback said how professional she was and always wears her lovely smile on the set. They all said how light working with her, and her photos were all amazing. They attested how good Mikha is at what she does. That is why all other brands are lining up to get her services. She learnt as well from the Channel team that Mikha does not want to be tied up into one brand alone, even though Chanel offered her to be their personal photographer.

"Ows...? But why? Aiah is now got curious about her ex-girlfriend. She just realised that she doesn't know much now about Mikha ever since the break-up.

"Oh! It's because Mikha still wanted to do many things aside from being a fashion photographer," a Chanel Manager shared.

"Like what?" Aiah remains curious.

"She has some photo exhibits here and there too, which I have heard she always has a sold-out show and celebrities are queuing just to buy her art pieces. I believe she has one coming up in New York for MoMa in Autumn," her makeup artist responded.

Aiah was speechless with all the information she heard. She never realised how busy her ex-girlfriend was nowadays. No wonder, she never hears Mikha visiting the Philippines.

The afternoon shoot went, Aiah can witness how professional Mikha was with her work. You can see how passionate she was with the way she handles her camera and gave instructions to everyone. She noticed as well how other models flirting with the photographer, which started getting on her nerves. She was just trying to hold her annoyance because they still had to shoot later on. They are waiting for the sun to set to shoot the 2nd collection.

At around 8pm when the shoot ended. Aiah was the last one to come out of the tent. She saw from the distance some models approaching the photographer and caressing Mikha's arms. She could no longer hold her anger. She rushed beside Mikha afterwards and clung her arms into the photographer's shoulder.

Mikha was surprised at Aiah's action, though she has a hint why the older one did that. "Hey, Aiah, are you OK? Tired?" Mikha was looking at Aiah with some concern.

"Yes, a little, but we have somewhere to go to after, right?" Aiah said it louder than usual for other models to hear.

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