Chapter 10

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Next Day..... Start of Winter Shoot.

All the production team are busy arranging the theme in the middle of Champ de Mars Park, facing the Eiffel Tower, for the winter collection of Chanel. The lights and camera are all set on one side. Mikha planned everything ahead before the team arrived. There was a tent on the right side where all the models were staying. She saw Aiah earlier when she arrived, but the older one failed to notice her.

Mikha walks inside the tent to greet Aiah and the rest of the team there. She saw Aiah sitting in front of the big mirror while her make—up was being done.

Miks eyes were glued to the person in front of her. She became speechless when she saw Aiah. The makeup artist noticed the way she stared at the model and blurted out, "Ehem..eheemm, Earth too, Miks! Do you need anything? He smiled. He knows Miks so well, he can tease her, but he opted not.

Mikhs turned red. It's a good thing Aiah wasn't looking with her eyes shut and failed to notice the awkward conversation between her and the makeup artist. She pointed, she wanted to talk to the model. And the makeup artist left them to give them some privacy.

"Hi Aiah! Good afternoon! Are you ready for the shoot? Mikha smiling at the latter.

Aiah opens her eyes and looks at Mikha through the mirror.

"Hello Mikhs. Are you here a long time?" Aiah can feel her nerves is a bit trembling by the mere Mikhs presence, and she doesn't understand why, but she gave the latter one a shy smile.

"Yes, I am. I always come early to check if we set everything before the main shoot. Misha replied.

Mikhs can sense that Aiah is a bit nervous. She squeezes her shoulder, a habit that she could not control in front of Aiah.

"You will be great there". She was smiling while looking at the latter through the mirror.

Aiah released a long sighed. "You will tell me what to do there, right?"

"Of course, my Queen" "Ooppss... sorry ..., old habit don't die, I guess. Mikha's face turned red because of embarrassment again for the 2nd time. It is a good thing it was a whisper, and no one noticed of what she said, except Aiah.

Aiah finds Mikha's reaction cute, and somehow it eases her anxious heart.  Mikha added, "Just be natural there and show me what you got. I will tell you if I still needed more, OK" and smiled with reassurance in her eyes.

"I have to go, ill see you outside alright," Miks said. Aiah just smiled and nodded.

Mikha held her heart when she left the model's tent. She feels the surge of excitement about working with her ex-girlfriend. Again, it's not a bad thing, but she knows it's not good either. She released a deep sigh before walking back to the shoot location.

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