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I have had this dream of being healed and having my dad back with them. But it would be impossible to have either of those things. I have this disorder that limits the use of my hand and some damage to my brain. It's pretty fun, right? It's called Cerebral Palsy or CP for short. The dream for my dad to come back is nearly impossible. He died when I was very young. I remembered him, but I don't remember his death.

From what my mom, Diane Rose said—he died in a horrific car crash while coming home in beautiful Los Angles and he was expected to survive, but he didn't. My sister, Chloe was eight, and I was four. Chloe remembers it very wellーand she is still grieving.

My dad and mom loved each other. I hope someday I can find someone like my dad and have love like my parents. I just wish I can have love.

I've never had a love, but he would be like my dad, kind-hearted, sweet, and funny. I just wished that was a reality.

I'm seventeen years old, and I've never had a social life, let alone a boyfriend or first kiss or any of that stuff.

My only best friends are my mom and Lexi, who I've known since I was five. We met in a grocery store of all places. My mom and I were shopping and My mom asked me to get something and Lexi was standing there... being Lexi. Sassy, spontaneous, and protective. We've been best friends ever since.

Lexi is very protective of me because of my CP. She calls people out whenever they bully me and look at me in a mean way. I am so glad Lexi is in my life.

There are downsides to CPーseizures, anxiety, depression, balance issues, and a whole number of things. It's a crazy list of downsides.

There are positive things about CP alsoーyou have many opportunities to do whatever you want. Those are all the positive things on my list.

I have been homeschooled all my life. My mom doesn't want my mom to be hurt physically or emotionally by anyone, so my mom and my dad decided to homeschool me.

So, here's me, semi-normal seventeen-year-old girl and safe in my home. Homeschooled and am an art lover. I draw and sell them at craft fairs. My mom said I have a gift of art.

Yes, I have CP, but I'm proud I have it. I like to think that CP won't defeat me. I love my condition, I don't hide it.

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