We will meet again one day..

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(UN)"Wow,your world is beautiful!What season is this?"
(Y/N)"Eh probably autumn."
(Russia)"It's really pretty."
(Y/N)"Yeah now shush.The big problem is that my parents wouldn't let anyone in if they don't know that person."
(UN)"Mhm,wait,aren't you an adult?"
(Y/N)"Money problems.And I lost my job."
(Russia)"Well then,get a new one?"
(Y/N)"Do you really think getting a job is easy?"
(Russia)"I don't know.Maybe?"
(Y/N)"I don't know either."
(Russia)"Oi shut up."
(UN)"Make me."
(Y/N)"Will you two shut up already?
(Russia)"Sorry no."
(Y/N)"Ugh,just follow me and hopefully I can do something here."
(UN)"I thought you need to get something?"
(Y/N)"Well..You can go back if you want it's just,I want to go back and you two don't need to worry about me.."
(UN)"Oh ok we Understa-"
(Russia)"I'm staying."
(Y/N)"What why?"
(Russia)"I just want to have a mom,something like you.And I don't want to lose you."
(Y/N)"How about this?I might go back,IF the war is over.How about you can stay for a bit?"
(UN)"Wait what year is it in here?"
(Y/N)"Well it's 2023."
(UN)"When will the war be over?"
(Y/N)"September the 2nd 1945.But after that it's the Cold War which is Russia's father and America fighting."(Hehe I know History,totally didn't searched it up)
(Russia)"Wait did you say,My father is gonna fight America?"
(Y/N)"Yes and I'm not gonna say that because it will upset you."
(Russia)"Tell us."
(UN)"Come on tell us what happens next."
(Y/N)"If you say so,so after the Cold War,America won and Soviet will die after Christmas in 1991."
(Russia)"What?My father is gonna die??"
(Y/N)"Well we probably don't know yet.Maybe we can just make sure Your father and America is not near.Now let's just ignore that and continue what we are doing.
(Y/N)"Russia..Come here."

Russia walked to me and I hugged him.UN stared at us and felt upset.

(Y/N)"You can join UN."
(UN)"I can't-"

He then came to us and we all hugged.

(Y/N)"You two need to go,I need to start some things and I'll promise I will be back."
(Russia)"But mom,how are you gonna survive?"
(Y/N)"Don't worry,I will be fine..We have to just wait for the future..Or do you want to explore first and then go back?"
(Russia)"I guess."
(Y/N)"I think I know where my parents live.They have some make up so I can put it on you.Then people will think your a human.Does that sounds ok?"
(Russia and UN)"Yeah."
(Y/N)"Ok well stay here and try to cover your face."

They both nodded and I quickly ran out of this..forest?After like 10 minutes of sprinting,I finally found my parents house.Luckily it's unlocked so I went in and grabbed some stuffs that I need like;makeup,money,gloves,A backpack and some useful things.

I slowly went back outside and quickly went back to where the two countries were.

Russia POV:

I don't know why but I just feel safe with Mom...I love her.I just want her to stay forever..And ever.

(UN)"You look sad,are you alright?"
(Russia)"WHAT?Oh yeah I am I guess."
(UN)"She is taking forever,isn't she?"
(Russia)"Yeah but she might come back soon."
(Y/N)"Hey guys I'm back!"

We both saw her running down the hill and was about to trip.

(UN)"Y/N,Your about to fall!"
(Y/N)"No I'm-AH!"

We both saw her tripped over a log and UN managed to catch her.She brought a bag with her and it's full of stuff.

(Russia)"Mom,are you alright?"
(Y/N)"It's pretty common of me tripping over in this world,now let me do your make up before anyone sees you."

I saw her went to her bag and picked up a makeup "foundation" and put some in her hand.She then picked up a sponge and dapped it.

(Y/N)"So,who's first?"
(Russia)"Can I?"
(Y/N)"Sure.Close your eyes.Unless you want make up burning your eyes."

I closed my eyes as she put the foundation on me and dapped it slowly around my face.She then finished it and gave me a glove.

(Y/N)"Now your turn UN"

She did the exact same thing to UN.

(Y/N)"There,now come on.I think I found something..


I'm continuing it tomorrow since I'm too lazy and I need to sleep.

Im not gonna sleep

1378 words

Hah I'm gonna continue,even if I'm lazy


Ok so now I need to find some sort of restaurant,even though it's not a lot of money but it can be enough for a small house,or an apartment?Oh well.

(Y/N)"Ok please don't act like your country,just act normal.And don't throw bombs at people,they don't crack,they turn into a skeleton.Got it?"
(Russia and UN)"Yes ma'am."
(Y/N)"Good now follow me,I think I found something."

Ok let's just skip everything and on to the last time seeing together.

(Y/N)"Well..I finally got my own home so I guess you should go.Also good luck with the war."
(Russia)"Can I stay?"
(Y/N)"Sorry Russia but no.I'll promise we will meet again."
(UN)"I'm just gonna stay out of this."
(Y/N)"Maybe when no one is around I can visit you?"
(Russia)"I'm only happy when your around.Plus aren't you gonna tell my dad about this?"
(Y/N)"Nah UN will tell him."
(Russia)"Well to be honest,I don't think it's best for you to leave us with dad."
(Y/N)"Why what's wrong with him?"
(Russia)"It's nothing,good luck."
(Y/N)"Thanks,good luck to you as well.I will miss you."
(Russia)"Thanks.I will miss you two.It's was amazing here."
(Y/N)"I know,now go before your father will get sad."

He nodded and UN created a portal.They both jumped in and I just felt sad.I need to be safe,so as them.I feel terrible leaving them,so they can get hurt and I don't.It's getting late,I think i should go back to my own house.

I ran back to my house and just lay flat on the floor.I need to sleep.It's almost 10:00 and I'm so tired.I went to bed expecting no one in my bed.Meaning no Soviet to cuddle with.Oh I haven't checked on me.I hope Russia and UN remember where I live.I think UN wrote down my address.I can't remember.I need to sleep and hope nothing bad will happen.

Soviet POV:

Where did Y/N go?Its getting late and I'm getting worried.Why is Russia upset?Im gonna go to him.

(Soviet)"Russia,where is Y/N and are you ok?"
(Russia)"Well she went back to her world and I don't know if she is coming back or not."
(Russia)"Yes she left this world!Now it's gonna be boring without her."
(Soviet)"I'm just gonna be in my room."

I left Russia alone and went to my room.Why did she left?Is it because of the war?Why did no one believe her?Just whatever.I hope she is happy in her world.

1840 words
Hate it

My sweet angel.(Soviet Union x female reader)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat