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"y-you were do-doing what?" you manage to let out, still shook from what jimin just told you.

"what did u expect, they didnt get that u were mine." he said with a stern face.

•10 months ago•

"kim y/n will you marry me?" jimin asked in anticipation, staring up at you with hope.
jimin, ur boyfriend of 2 years is proposing to u. this is probably the best day of your life!

oh my god!!

"yes, yes and yes!" you said, not caring if u sounded 'desperate'. all goes unjudged when it came to jimin.

so then it started, wedding plans and invites.
stress levels weren't high however. as you knew you could count on jimin to make sure that you and the guest are happy and joyful even if something goes wrong.

many question your faith in jimin, stating there is no way he chose me, when he could get anyone he wanted.

but when jimin found out about these bullies, i never heard from them again. according to him, he convinced them to leave the state but i have a gut feeling that there is more to the story, maybe some
fighting. everyone backs up jimin, saying gut feelings can be wrong. and i am coming to believe that now too.

~word count 221~
enjoy jealousy!

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